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Lottery Lottery Frequently Asked Questions

Lottery Frequently Asked Questions

Why does CBE hold lotteries?

The lottery process was established to ensure fair and equitable access to schools, programs (regular, alternative), or grades whenever a student population is at or above capacity.

This process aligns with registration practices outlined in the Education Act and CBE's AR 6090 | Child and Student Registration and Admissionsto ensure equity of access for all students. School lotteries are held in February each year.​

Are there considerations made for children who have older siblings at the school or live nearby?

Yes. The lottery process uses priority levels. They are:

Priority One

Students who live within the walk zone and have a sibling (including half or step-siblings, but not cousins) attending the same program and school at the same time.

Priority Two

Students living outside the walk zone but in the designated attendance area for the school who will have a sibling in the same school at the same time or students living within the walk zone who do not have a sibling in the school.

Priority Three

All other students living within the designated attendance area.​​

Are there any special considerations for siblings (such as twins) who will be in a lottery together for the same Grade?

Yes, during the lottery process, if one's name is drawn, a space will be assigned for their twin/sibling.

I understand that the walk zones are changing. How will I know what priority level I will be in?

For the 2025-2026 school year lottery, the current 2024-2025 walk zones apply. Enrolment and call-back prioritization for the 2025-2026 school year will be based on existing walk zones and lottery priorities.


If I submit expressions of interest for other alternative programs, can I be included in those lotteries and keep my spot at my regular program school at the same time?

You may submit up to three expressions of interest for alternative programs and stay at your regular program school until you accept an offer to transfer to another school. When registration for the next school year opens, children in Grades 1-12 may move from one program to another if another school is open to transfers. If the school is running a lottery for spaces in an alternative program, you must submit your expressions of interest by the lottery deadline to be included.

Let your current school know if you are interested in exploring alternative program options or will be transferring to another school. Once you accept an offer from another school, your child will be transferred to that school for the next school year and no longer be enrolled at your regular program school.

Explore CBE's alternative programs to understand entry requirements and program information.

Explore your designated schools with the Find a School tool. Review the registration process for students currently enrolled in kindergarten to Grade 8. CBE students in Grades 9 to 11 must follow the High School Transfer Process. ​

My designated school is getting modulars. Does that impact the lottery?

Yes, it might. If your school's modulars are in place before the start of the school year, then the number of available student spaces may increase. If that is the case, more names will be drawn in the lottery process in February if a lottery still needs to be held.​

If the modulars are not in place until part-way through the school year, additional spaces may become available, and the call-back process will occur.  

Are non-resident students, such as those in the Catholic System, included in lotteries? How are they prioritized?

No, non-resident students are not accepted into schools at capacity and running lotteries.​

A resident student of CBE as defined by the Education Act and AR 6090 | Student and Child Registration and Admissionis a student where at least one parent physically resides within the geographical boundary of CBE and at least one parent is not of the Roman Catholic faith.​

Students, by definition, are those between the ages of 6 and 19 and enrolled in school. Students do not include a child younger than 6 years of age. A child under 6 years of age may enrol in any kindergarten (or Early Childhood Services) program in any school with space. All children whose parents reside in Alberta may be enrolled in a CBE ECS program and should be included in the lottery. The priority order for admission of a child is as follows:

Priority One – a child residing in the attendance area of the school;
Priority Two – older siblings enrolled at the school or in the program concurrently;
Priority Three – other Alberta child; and
Priority Four – other Canadian child​

If I am unsuccessful in the lottery at my designated alternative program school, but another school in the city with the same program is open and not in a lottery, can I attend that school?

If your child is already a CBE student, and you were unsuccessful in the lottery, you can follow the transfer process to express your interest in attending an out-of-area CBE school. If you are interested in attending an out-of-area school, please be aware that it is based on space and resources and that if accepted, it is for one year only (annually reviewed), and no transportation is provided. 

If your child is not a CBE student and you were unsuccessful in the lottery for your choice of alternative program school, you are advised to enrol in your designated regular program school. Once your child enrolls in a CBE school, you can follow the transfer process to express interest in attending an out-of-area CBE school.​ Once enrolled at the out-of-area school, please contact the principal for annual enrolment requirements for your child.

My child was called back to my regular designated school. Can they stay at the overflow school instead?

Yes, but this may depend on the school's space and resources. Please let your principal know if you want your child to stay at the overflow school. If you decline the offer, your child will be removed from the call-back list and accepted as an out-of-area student.

Please be aware that you may be asked to return to your designated school if the other school can no longer accommodate you. If your designated school is no longer at capacity and in overflow, you may also no longer be eligible for transportation services.​​​

Last modified: 1/9/2025 10:10 AM
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