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Acknowledging the Land

Acknowledging the Land Acknowledging the Land

Acknowledging the Land

Oki, Dādánast’áda, Âba Wathtec, Tânisi, Taanishi, Bonjour, Hello

The Board of Trustees starts every public Board meeting with a verbal acknowledgement of the land and its first people. CBE schools and service units are acknowledging the land where we gather at minimum at the beginning and end of each school year and during significant celebrations, such as graduations and assemblies.

Acknowledging the land where we gather demonstrates our ongoing commitment to the original spirit and intent of Treaty 7, also known as the Blackfoot Treaty. This agreement is to share the land and live well together, in peace for 'as long as the sun shines, the grass grows, and the river flows.' This acknowledgement is an act of Truth and Reconciliation to honour the Indigenous peoples who have cared for their traditional territories since time immemorial and leads us to consider our individual and collective roles and responsibilities to the treaty relationship.

The Calgary Board of Education acknowledges the traditional territories and oral practices of the Treaty 7 Nations, including the Siksikaitsitapi, comprised of the Siksika, the Kainai, the Piikani, and the Amskapi Piikani Nations. We acknowledge the Tsuut’ina Nation, the Îyârhe Nakoda, comprised of the Chiniki, Bearspaw, and Goodstoney Nations, the Métis Nation within Alberta, and all people who make their homes in the Treaty 7 region of southern Alberta.

This land on which we gather is traditionally known as Moh'kinstsis (Blackfoot), Guts’ists’i (Tsuut’ina), Wîchîspa (Nakoda), and otôskwanihk (Northern Michif & Cree).

As a learning organization, we are committed to advancing the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action focused on Education for ReconciliACTION.



  • Blackfoot Greeting - Oki (Oak-key)
  • Tsuut’ina Greetings - Dānít’ádā (Danit-adah) (to 1 person), Dānast'ádā (Danast-adah) (to 2 people), Dādánast’ádā (Dada-nast-adah) (to many people)
  • Îyârhe Nakoda Greeting - Âba Wathtech (Amba-wastitch)
  • Cree Greeting - tânisi (Tawn-say)
  • Métis Greeting in Michif - Taanishi (Tawn-i-shi)

Names of Nations

  • Siksikaitsitapi (Sig-sig-kaits-sits-a-pi)
  • Siksika (Sig-si-gah)
  • Kainai (Guy-nah)
  • Piikani (Bee-gah-nee)
  • Amskapi Piikani (Ahm-skah-pee Bee-gah-nee)
  • Tsuut’ina (Soot-tenna)
  • Îyârhe Nakoda (Ae-yar-hay Na-koh-da)
  • Chiniki (Chin-ih-kee)
  • Bearspaw (Bears-paw)
  • Goodstoney (Good-stone-ee)
  • Métis (May-tee)

Place Names for the Land Where We Gather

  • Blackfoot: Moh'kinstsis (Moh-gihn-s-tis)
  • Tsuut’ina: Guts’ists’i (Goo-sist-seh)
  • Îyârhe Nakoda: Wîchîspa (Win-cheese-pah)
  • Northern Michif & Cree: otôskwanihk (oh-TUSS'-kwanee)

Last modified: 3/27/2025 8:09 AM
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