Weather & Environmental Health

Weather & Environmental Health Air Quality Alerts

Air Quality Alerts

CBE Response to Air Quality Alerts

During smoky conditions, the CBE uses the Environment Canada air quality health index (AQHI) to determine when to reconsider outdoor activities and implement other measures to support the health and safety of students and staff. The provincial government also reports the AQHI by community.

In accordance with the CBE Outdoor Activities Guidelines, if the AQHI remains at 7 or above, schools are asked to consider postponing or cancelling outside activities during lunch and recess or limit the level of exertion if outside activities proceed. At that level Alberta Health Services recommends reducing the levels of outdoor physical activity to decrease the inhalation of airborne pollutants as individuals may experience temporary irritation of eyes and throat and possibly shortness of breath.

Below are the recommended restrictions for outdoor activities related to air quality:

AQHI CBE Response
1-3 Low heath risk Continue as normal.
4-6 Moderate health risk Consider restricting levels of activities. Reduce the intensity and duration of any strenuous activities. Provide resting periods. Consider indoor recess for students with health issues that maybe impacted by air quality.
7-10 High health risk Reduce or reschedule strenuous activities outdoors. Consider indoor recess and lunch supervision for all students.
Above 10 Very high health risk Avoid strenuous activities outdoors. Consider indoor recess and lunch supervision for all students.

Schools also work closely with their facility operator to monitor the air quality conditions in their buildings. Facility operators are in the best position to monitor and manage school ventilation systems and have access to central resources should any issues be identified. They are able to adjust centrally automated heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) to minimize fresh air exchange until the air quality advisory is lifted. For schools with HVAC systems that are not centrally controlled, facility operators will manually adjust the system to minimize fresh air exchange. Please note that CBE facility operators are qualified 5th Class Power Engineers and are well trained in the operation of the school building systems.

We know these types of conditions impact every family differently. If you make the decision that your child will not be attending classes, please ensure you contact your school's attendance line to report the absence.

Last modified: 7/25/2024 3:34 PM
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