More than 98 per cent of all CBE employees belong to a union or association. Our collective agreements, which are negotiated between the CBE and its unions, define the terms and conditions of employment. Bargaining updates are posted here as they become available.
While the bargaining process continues, schools and buildings remain open and scheduled activities are continuing. Employees are expected to report to work as usual.
On August 31, 2024,
collective agreements between the CBE and its unions expired. This includes:
- Alberta Teachers' Association (Local 38) (ATA)
- Calgary Board of Education Staff Association (SA)
- The Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 40 (CUPE)
- The Bargaining Council of the Calgary Board of Education Construction and Maintenance Skilled Trades Unions (Trades)
- Teachers' Employer Bargaining Association (TEBA) began meeting with ATA in June 2024. Some items like teacher salaries are set through the provincial collective agreement.
- TEBA and ATA met in January and more mediation dates are set for March.
- On conclusion of central bargaining between TEBA and ATA, CBE and ATA will commence local bargaining.
Staff Association
- Initial meeting between CBE and the union occurred on Jan. 20, 2025 to share ingoing proposals.
- Bargaining occured during the week of February 3, Feb. 19 & 20 and is scheduled for Mar. 5 & 6, 2025.
- CBE and the union exchanged ingoing proposals electronically in late November 2024. At the request of CUPE, a mediator was appointed to support bargaining discussions and mediation dates were booked.
- In person bargaining discussions commenced on Jan. 6 & 7, 2025.
- On Jan. 27, 2025, a 14-day cooling off period started. This occurred after the mediator “booked out" from mediation at CUPE's request, which triggered this cooling off period and allowed for the union to apply for a strike vote.
- We have requested CUPE return to the bargaining table the week of Feb. 3.
- On Feb. 5, CBE presents an updated wage proposal to CUPE Local 40. No counter-proposal from CUPE Local 40 was offered.
- CUPE Local 40 held a strike vote for members Feb. 10 & 11, 2025. Learn more about labour action.
- Bargaining between CBE and CUPE Local 40 occurred on Feb. 12 & 13, 2025 and March 3, 2025.
- Bargaining between CBE, CUPE Local 40 and a mediator is scheduled for Mar. 10, 2025
- Initial bargaining sessions between CBE and the union occurred on Oct. 22, 23, & 29, and Nov. 12, Dec. 11, 2024, and again on Jan. 29, 2025.
- While the parties have made good progress in bargaining, CBE and the union continue to bargain over wage increases.
- On Jan. 22, 2025, the CBE and the union jointly applied for mediation. Both parties are working to select a mediator and set formal mediation dates.