2019-2022 Capital Plan Approved by the Board of Trustees

Mar. 13, 2018

​At the March 13, 2018 public board meeting, the Calgary Board of Education Board of Trustees approved the Three-Year School Capital Plan 2019-2022 requesting 12 new schools and 10 major modernizations from the Provincial Government.

“While the opening of new schools over the past two years has certainly helped provide many new learning spaces for our students closer to home, there is an ongoing need for additional schools and modernizations to provide the infrastructure to support the ever growing number of Calgary students and their learning needs,” said Trina Hurdman, Board Chair.

The CBE is scheduled to open Griffith Woods School in April and the new Joane Cardinal-Schubert High School this September. Additionally, there are currently three new elementary school construction projects in the communities of Cranston, Coventry Hills/Country Hills Village and Evergreen, and three high school modernizations under development.

The newest plan identifies a single prioritized capital list consisting of both new school construction and major modernization requests, as required by Alberta Education. The total cost of all of the projects is over $403 million.

The Calgary Board of Education doesn’t decide when new schools are built. The Provincial Government determines where, when and how new schools are built. Each year, school boards submit a Three-Year School Capital Plan to Alberta Education. The plan identifies priorities for new school construction and major modernizations.

“Despite slower population growth across the city, there is still a need for new schools in new and developing communities. As well, we recognize the importance of investment to revitalize existing spaces in our aging schools,” said Dany Breton, superintendent Facilities and Environmental Services.

In 2014 the Board of Trustees approved revised ranking criteria for school capital projects after a thorough review of the criteria, including a public engagement. The criteria are data driven and establish a fair and equitable process for all communities.

Alberta Education requires the plan to be submitted by April 1, 2018.