Leaving the CBE? Don’t Lose Your Files and Emails!

May. 23, 2023

​The Calgary Board of Education reminds students who are leaving the CBE (graduating or moving) to ensure they save any important files or emails, as they will lose access to CBE tools including Google Workspace, Gmail, Google Classroom, Iris, and Brightspace.

Prior to June 30 (or Aug. 11, if you are taking summer school classes), students must take copies of the information they need b​efore they leave the CBE. Students not registered as returning to CBE in the fall will have their account deactivated this summer and their data deleted. This is especially important in cases where a student has accidentally used their CBE Gmail for personal use such as contact​ing a post-secondary institution or applying for a scholarship.

Students cannot be granted access to their account after they have left the CBE.  

For more information, please see Technical Support for Students and Parents.

Are you staying at the CBE? 
Students who are continuing at a CBE school in the coming school year should review the files they have stored in their CBE Google Drive and delete those that they no longer use. This will help manage their storage space in CBE’s Google Workspace. For more information see: Manage Your Google Workspace for Education Data