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New Brighton Students Provide Warm Feet for the Street
New Brighton Students Provide Warm Feet for the Street
Jan. 22, 2020
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Students at New Brighton School have been focusing their learning around the question: What do you do with a problem? Our Grade 3 students identified homelessness as a problem within our community and determined that “homelessness is everyone’s problem to solve.” They lead a school-wide social action project in support of the Mustard Seed. Leading up to our school-wide Warm Feet for the Street family event, Grade 3 students visited classrooms to inform others about how they were trying to contribute to a solution for a problem within our community while encouraging others to donate. One student said, “We wanted to help people in our city who needed things. We collected items and told our school why this was important. We collected so many supplies, more supplies than we could fit into the socks! I felt proud that we all worked together to make Christmas better for others!”
As donations rolled in, the students worked like mathematicians to sort and count to ensure there were enough of each item to fill over 350 socks. On Dec. 5, 2019, New Brighton School families were invited to come and fill a sock together, and place it under our Christmas tree. With the donations exceeding the number of socks, we were able to fill two vehicles worth of filled socks and additional donations to drop off at the Mustard Seed. It was wonderful to see our school families come together to support others within our community. As quoted by a student, “My mom and dad were amazed by how much Grade 3 kids could do to help others in our community.”