Next Board Meeting Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Oct. 11, 2024

​​Public Board meetings are viewable by the public through our live stream

The next Board Meeting is Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 11:00 AM and will be in the Multipurpose Room in the Education Centre (1221 – 8 Street SW).







 1. Call to Order, National Anthem, Acknowledgement of the Land and Welcome

 2. Consideration/Approval of Agenda

 3. Awards and Recognitions

      3.1 Green House Gas Emissions Intensity Awards​

 4. Results Focus​

 5. Operational Expectations

     5.1 OE-1: Global Operational Expectations – Annual Monitoring​​

 6. Public Comment 

Requirements outlined in Board Meeting Procedures​​

             7. Matters Reserved for Board Information

   8. Matters Reserved for Board ​Decision

         8.1 CBE Boundary Adjustment​​

   9. Conse​nt Agenda

9.1 Items Provided for Board Decision​

9.2 Items Provided for Board Information

      9.2.1 Chief Superintendent’s Update​

Private Session​​

Termination of Meeting


For full details, view ​Agenda & Reports​​​.​​​​


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