Diploma Exams Not Mandatory for Students

May. 20, 2020

Please note: the information below pertains to the 2019-20 school year only. As of September, 2020, Alberta Education has confirmed that diploma exams are scheduled to be written in the 2020-21 school year.

A clarification from yesterday's message regarding diploma exams:​

Students who are currently enrolled in a diploma course are still exempt from writing the diploma exam in June - diploma exams are cancelled for the general population.  Your final school awarded mark in June will be your official mark in the course.  This has not changed.

Students who only wrote one part of the ELA, FLA or Social Studies exam in November or January, are exempt from writing the other part of the exam. 

Alberta Education is permitting students who wrote a diploma exam prior to February 2020 and who wish to or need to re-write the exam to do so in June. This is the change. We apologize for any confusion yesterday’s message caused.

Still in place, as announced by Alberta Education in March, the following students may still write in June as opposed to the August writing dates:

  1. has mature student status (Guide to Education, p. 108) who has never taken the course. 
  2. is registered through CBE Home Schooling. 
  3. has a course mark from January 2019-20 or earlier who has never written the diploma exam for the course.

No later than 3 p.m. May 21, Grade 12 students needing to write one or more diploma exams in June are to contact their school and provide the following information:

  • Legal Name
  • CBE ID and ASN
  • Diploma Exam(s) Name(s)
  • Reason Number (1a, 1b, 1c, 2 or 3)
Again, the ability to offer this opportunity for students to write in June, will be limited by public health restrictions related to COVID-19. If you have further questions or need clarification, please contact the principal at your school.