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News Media Releases, Advisories & Statements

CBE Students Ready for 10th Annual Welding Rodeo Media Advisory2/20/2025
Lunar New Year Celebrations at the CBEMedia Advisory1/17/2025
Bowness High School Welcomes Beetlejuice Cast and Crew MembersMedia Advisory1/6/2025
CBE Student Goes for New World Flying Disc Federation RecordMedia Advisory11/22/2024
Calgary Board of Education First Day of SchoolMedia Advisory8/27/2024
CBE Celebrates National Indigenous Peoples DayMedia Advisory6/20/2024
Award Ceremony Celebrating Minecraft Design Challenge Winners Media Advisory6/7/2024
CBE Celebrates the Opening of North Trail High SchoolMedia Advisory4/25/2024
CBE Celebrates the Opening of Two New SchoolsMedia Advisory4/9/2024
Henry Wise Wood High School Hosts Veterans' TeaMedia Advisory10/16/2023
Media Advisory | Celebrate the First Day of School with the CBEMedia Advisory8/28/2023
Media Advisory | You're Invited to a Sneak Peek of North Trail High SchoolMedia Advisory8/23/2023
Students and Families Celebrate 20th Anniversary on National Indigenous Peoples Day at Piitoayis Family SchoolMedia Advisory6/20/2023
Board of Trustees Names New North Calgary High SchoolMedia Release4/7/2023
CBE Celebrates the Opening of Three New Schools Media Advisory3/15/2023
Redesigning Calgary: CBE, City of Calgary and Minecraft Education Launch City Wide Design Challenge for StudentsMedia Release2/23/2023
Celebrating the Year of the Rabbit with the CBEMedia Advisory1/16/2023
Celebrate the First Day of School with the CBEMedia Advisory8/30/2022
Jack James High School Unveils Mural on National Indigenous Peoples DayMedia Advisory6/20/2022
CBE Board of Trustees to form a Name Review Committee for Sir John A. Macdonald SchoolMedia Advisory5/2/2022
Board of Trustees Names Two New Schools in Auburn BayMedia Release4/7/2022
Board of Trustees Names New School in Skyview RanchMedia Release3/31/2022
New Elementary School Named Mahogany School Media Release10/7/2021
CBE Students Look to Solve Real-World Problems through Minecraft: Education Edition ChallengeMedia Release10/6/2021
Jack James High School to Celebrate Calgary Pride 2021 with Painted CrosswalkMedia Advisory8/23/2021
CBE Board of Trustees Passes Motions to Rename Langevin School to Riverside SchoolMedia Advisory6/1/2021
CBE Shares High School Engagement ScenariosMedia Release2/22/2021
Board of Trustees Approves 2020-21 Budget ReportMedia Release5/26/2020
Board of Trustee Response to Independent, External Review of the Finances and Governance of the CBEMedia Statement5/21/2020
CBE Announces Transportation Service Levels and Fees for 2020-21 School Year Media Release5/14/2020
CBE Issues Temporary Layoff NoticesMedia Statement4/9/2020
CBE Shares Ongoing Learning Update | What to Expect for the Week of March 30, 2020Media Statement3/27/2020
Calgary Board of Education Provides Information Regarding Cancellation of Classes and COVID-19 ResponseMedia Advisory3/16/2020
COVID-19 UpdateMedia Statement3/16/2020
MidSun School Celebrates Youth Philanthropy Initiative $10 Million MilestoneMedia Advisory3/5/2020
CBE Board of Trustees Response to 2020-21 Provincial Budget Announcement Media Release2/27/2020
More than 800 CBE Students to Learn about Social Justice Issues at My World ConferenceMedia Advisory2/19/2020
CBE Board of Trustees Accepts Trustee Davis ResignationMedia Statement1/27/2020
Highwood School Celebrates the Year of the RatMedia Release1/17/2020
Board of Trustees Approves Updated 2019-20 BudgetMedia Release1/8/2020
Dr. Freda Miller to be Honoured with CBE Legacy AwardMedia Release1/6/2020
Budget Update 2019-20Media Statement11/20/2019
Vista Heights School Celebrates with the Grey Cup CommitteeMedia Advisory11/20/2019
CBE Provincial Budget ResponseMedia Advisory11/5/2019
New Elementary School Named Northern Lights SchoolMedia Release11/4/2019
New School Named Sibylla Kiddle SchoolMedia Release10/25/2019
CBE to Share Findings of Independent Bullying ReviewMedia Advisory10/16/2019
Western Canada High School Hosting All Candidate ForumMedia Advisory10/1/2019
The Calgary Board of Education’s Response to the Blue Ribbon Panel on Alberta's Finances ReportMedia Advisory9/26/2019
CBE Students Achieve Exceptional Results on Provincial Achievement Tests and Diploma ExamsMedia Release9/26/2019
New School Named for World-Renowned Scientist Dr. Freda MillerMedia Release9/16/2019
Board of Trustees Approves 2019-20 BudgetMedia Release6/26/2019
Board of Trustees Approves Collective Agreement with Construction and Maintenance Skilled Trades UnionMedia Release6/26/2019
Board of Trustees Approves Collective Agreement with CBE Staff AssociationMedia Release6/12/2019
Board of Trustees Approves CUPE Collective AgreementMedia Release5/14/2019
CBE Launches High School EngagementMedia Release5/14/2019
CBE Launches High School EngagementMedia Advisory5/13/2019
Contemporizing the Social Activism of Charles DickensMedia Advisory5/13/2019
Geoff and Bob Snider Honoured with CBE LegacyMedia Release5/13/2019
Celebrating the 106-Year History of Stanley Jones SchoolMedia Advisory4/29/2019
High School Students Compete at Eastside Dance FestivalMedia Advisory4/24/2019
John G. Diefenbaker High School Students to Bike for 24 Hours to Raise Money for Alberta Children's HospitalMedia Advisory4/24/2019
Calgary Board of Education Response to Student DeathMedia Advisory4/21/2019
McKenzie Highlands School Take Action FairMedia Advisory4/16/2019
¡Bienvenidos a Semana Cultural! | Cultural Week at Collingwood SchoolMedia Advisory4/11/2019
Crescent Height Cowboys to Bike for 24 hours to Raise Money for Alberta Children’s HospitalMedia Advisory4/8/2019
Western Canada High School Hosting All Candidate ForumMedia Advisory4/2/2019
Over 1,000 CBE Students to Attend My World ConferenceMedia Advisory2/19/2019
Visually Impaired Students get Skateboarding Lesson from Dan MancinaMedia Advisory2/6/2019
Opera Singer Alumnus Returns to Visit Western Canada High SchoolMedia Release2/3/2019
Marion Carson School Celebrates the Year of the PigMedia Release1/28/2019
Kindergarten Registration OpensMedia Release1/13/2019
Highwood School Celebrates the Year of the PigMedia Release1/10/2019
Gordon Hoffman to be Honoured with CBE Legacy AwardMedia Release1/6/2019
Strongman Bus Pull at Sir John FranklinMedia Advisory12/19/2018
Western Canada High School Decorates Trees for Families in NeedMedia Advisory12/4/2018
CBE Chief Superintendent David Stevenson to be Honoured with Legacy AwardMedia Release12/2/2018
Board of Trustees Announces New Chief Superintendent of SchoolsMedia Release11/7/2018
Remembrance Day Assembly at Battalion Park SchoolMedia Advisory11/7/2018
National Sport School Holds Student PlebisciteMedia Advisory11/4/2018
Two-time Olympian Monique Sullivan to be Honoured with CBE Legacy AwardMedia Release11/4/2018
CBE to Share 2017-18 Student Achievement ResultsMedia Advisory10/16/2018
CBE Statement Regarding Cannabis Legalization Media Statement10/15/2018
Calgary Board of Education is Prepared for Legalization of CannabisMedia Advisory10/14/2018
CBE Students with Autism Prepare for EmploymentMedia Advisory9/11/2018
Board of Trustees Response to Announcement by Trustee Lisa DavisMedia Statement6/20/2018
CBE Board of Trustees Response to Changes to Superintendent CompensationMedia Statement5/31/2018
2018-19 Budget Approved by Board of TrusteesMedia Release5/21/2018
CBE Traditional Pow WowMedia Advisory5/14/2018
Mealshare Co-Founders to be Honoured with CBE Legacy AwardMedia Release5/13/2018
Stanley Jones School Unveils Mural Celebrating Diversity and Honouring the Deaf and Hard of Hearing ProgramMedia Advisory5/8/2018
CBE Students Challenge Perception of Dementia Through ArtMedia Advisory4/29/2018
Catherine Nichols Gunn School Unveils MuralMedia Advisory4/16/2018
Diefenbaker Chiefs Bike for 24 Hours to Raise Money for Alberta Children's HospitalMedia Advisory4/10/2018
CBE Board of Trustees Response to 2018-19 Provincial Budget Announcement Media Statement3/21/2018
CBE Provincial Budget ResponseMedia Advisory3/21/2018
CBE Students Explore Career and Technology ChallengeMedia Advisory3/21/2018
Sir John A. MacDonald School Students Build Math-Based Escape RoomsMedia Advisory3/6/2018
CBE presents Legacy Award to Dr. Rupinder ToorMedia Release3/4/2018
Over 1,000 CBE Students to Attend My World Conference Media Advisory2/20/2018
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​Previous Media Releases can be found in the News Archive.

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