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Career & Techn​ology Studies (CTS)

Career & Technology

Career and Technology education provides opportunities for personalized learning that are dynamic and support transitioning into education, training and work. It's a part of the Alberta Program of Studies, and is offered in every school, every day, for every student.

Engaging students in Grades 10-12

Career and Techn​ology Studies (CTS) is a complementary program designed for high school students. CTS offers all students important learning opportunities continue developing career and technology-related skills while enhancing employability competencies. See an overview of the High School Information Guides​ for further information regarding courses.

Career & Technology Centre at Lord Shaughnessy High School

The Career & Technology Centre (CTC) changes the way most of us think about school. While it is housed in a school building, it isn't a school on its own, but rather a hub for CTS learning for students registered in CBE high schools across Calgary.  

Students who attend the CTC will take courses at their designated high schools, but they will also access the CTC to enhance their learning through  credentialed, dual credit or pre-placement programs for specific periods of time.

2336 - 53 Avenue SW
Calgary AB T3E 1L2
t | 403-243-4500

Locations and Courses

Career and Technology Studies and Knowledge & Employability Pathways by high school facilities ​​ (last updated February 18, 2025)​



Contact Us

At Your School

​Contact your guidance counsellor for more information about CTF or CTS at your school.

CTF and CTS System Contact

Vanessa Munroe

Learning Specialist
Complementary Curriculum & Pathways 


e | vjmunroe@cbe.ab. ca

Occupational Areas

  • ​​​BIT: Business, Administration, Finance & Information Technology

  • ​​HRH: Health, Recreation & Human Services

  • ​​MDC: Media, Design & Communication Arts

  • ​​NAT: Natural Resources

  • ​​TMT: Trades, Manufacturing & Transportation

  • ​​Multi: Multi-cluster combines two or more of the clusters​​​​

Last modified: 2/19/2025 9:17 AM
Website feedback: Webmaster