Teaching Philosophy
Traditional Learning Centre (TLC)
Is the Traditional Learning Centre (TLC) the Right Choice for My Child?
A successful student demonstrates:
- respect for self, others, and the environment
- an active leadership role when engaging in problem solving, acts of citizenship, and service
- willingness to explore and participate across all curricular areas
- willingness to work both independently and collaboratively in groups
- an ability to engage in the gradual release of responsibility framework
- willingness to adhere to uniform regulations
Characteristics of the TLC Program
- Gradual release of responsibility is the primary method of instruction (I do it, We do it, You do it together, You do it alone)
- Flexible groupings to personalize and differentiate instruction
- A respect for self, others and the environment in and through character education
- French as a Second Language is mandatory from Grades 1 to 9
- Music is mandatory kindergarten through Grade 6
- Band will be offered as a complimentary course in Grade 7 to 9
- Student learning is shared in ways determined by the school, which may include assemblies, celebrations of learning, parent information nights, etc.
- Kindergarten to Grade 4 students are in cohorts by grade
- Grade 5 to 9 students are in cohorts by grade
- Homework expectations are in place for kindergarten to Grade 9 and are determined by the school and CBE Administrative Regulation 3066
- Mandatory school uniform
- The TLC program ends in Grade 9
The information above only provides a general overview of the TLC program. However, each school with a TLC program is unique in terms of its facility and optional course offerings. Speak with the principal at your designated TLC school for specific information. The classroom teacher, along with the school administration, makes decisions about individual student's learning.
How to Register for the TLC Program
Alternative and Language Programs have their own registration process. Visit the Alternative Program Registration page for information on how to register.
- See
Fees page for fees that apply to all CBE students
- Uniform cost (approximately $400.00)
- Costs associated with the band program
Find a School
Every child in Calgary has a designated school based on their home address and the program they choose.
Find your designated school with our find a school tool along with the school's contact information and website address. Be sure to use the drop down arrow for 'Program Options' to select 'Traditional Learning Centres'.