Unique Pathways & Off-campus Education

Unique Pathways & Off-campus Education Dual Credit - Psychology

Dual Credit - Psychology

​This University of Calgary course, PSYC 203, Psychology for Everyday Life, designed as “Psychology for non-Psychology majors”. The course has a focus on issues that arise in everyday life and will demonstrate some of the ways in which psychology can be of use to students in their personal and professional lives. This course is the first course in the Certificate of Mental Wellbeing and Resilience. Psychology 203 may be used to fill a number of University of Calgary program requirements as an elective, though it cannot be used as part of a Psychology major. Course Introduction – Meet Mike Boyes PhD 

See an example of a course outli​ne for further information. There will be slight adjustments, which will be discussed at the beginning of the course. 

Program​ B​​enefits

  • Upon successful completion, students will receive 5, 3000 level CTS credits and 3 University of Calgary post-secondary credits 
  • Get a jump start on your post-secondary education while still at high school 
  • Build confidence through developing learning strategies and skills that support your learning transitions   
  • Learn about on-going opportunities and experience post-secondary learning on campus 
  • Taught by U of C instructors with experience in student transitions to post-secondary educational experiences and environments ​

  • 5 Cre​​dits, 30 ​le​​​vel CTS
    3​ post-secondary credits

Student ​​Eligibility

Open to all CBE high school students who: 

  • Are in grades 11 or 12 as of June (Graduating students are eligible)
  • 10 applicants will be considered, but priority will be given to grade 11 and 12 applicants
  • are committed to the academic rigor of a condensed university program and are considering post-secondary learning  
  • Pre-requisite/Co-requisite requirements: 
    • Students who have completed or are on track to complete ELA 20-1 (or -2 minimum 70%) 

Program​ Delivery and Location

  • Online with a combination of synchronous Zoom calls with the instructor and peers, and asynchronous (independent) content
  • This course runs over a condensed time frame and should be considered as a full-time job. Students should plan for a minimum of 18 hours of independent work time per week in addition to the 18 hours of instructional time (total 36 hours per week, minimum). 

Progr​​a​​m D​ates​

  • Month of July, Monday to Friday​
  • Expected program times: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM (breaks included)
  • Considerations

    • Students must have space in their full year timetable to accommodate the program delivery, location, and dates indicated below.
    • Students must submit a personal learning schedule with their application (see application checklist for details).
    • Students must be registered as a full-time student, taking at least one course at their home high school each semester(work experience excluded).
    • Students will be expected to communicate with both their CBE supervising teacher and course instructor regularly.
  • How to Apply

    1. Read through the course(s) and/or program(s) of interest.
    2. Review program choice with your school Off-campus Coordinator and/or Guidance Counsellor for program readiness and timetabling concerns.
    3. You are highly encouraged to attend the Unique Pathways Information Night to ask questions of our program partners and determine if the program is a good fit for you. Connect with your Off-campus Coordinator or Guidance counsellor if you are unable to attend.
    4. Download and fill in the Dual Credit Application Form Package when available.
    5. Refer to the application checklist and ensure all items are complete.
    6. Book an appointment with your Off-campus Coordinator and/or Guidance Counselor before the deadline to complete your application, including signatures from all parties.
    7. The school will submit the application to Unique Pathways on your behalf.

Career​ Map

Career Map 


  • Program Partner​

    University of Calgary
  • Application Deadline

    Applications for Summer and Fall programs have now closed. Applications for Semester 2 (Winter) programs will be available in Fall 2024.​


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Last modified: 3/4/2024 4:26 PM
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