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Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP)

FOIP Guide

​General Information

The FOIP Act has two components:
  1.  Provide general right of access to information held by public bodies.
  2.  Protect privacy of personal information about individuals held by public bodies.

Access to Information

The access provisions under FOIP apply to all records for which the CBE has custody or control. This includes material that is written, photographed, recorded or stored in any manner. Documents may be in hard-copy, electronic, digital, audio or visual formats. It also includes records that can be created from existing data in a computer system or any electronic device. Some records are excluded from FOIP. Some examples of excluded records are questions to be used in an examination or test and personal or constituency records of elected School Board Trustees.
The CBE has always made a great deal of information available to students, parents/guardians, employees and community members. Contact the appropriate school or department directly to request routinely available information.
In most cases, the school or department can provide the information requested as long as it does not compromise personal privacy and other restrictions or limitations within FOIP. If information is withheld, and the explanation for why it was not accessible is unsatisfactory, you can apply for access under FOIP. The CBE Privacy & Access Office can assist in completing the Request for Access to Information form.
Please send the completed request to:
Calgary Board of Education
Legal Services, Attention FOIP Coordinator
1221 – 8 Street SW
Calgary, AB  T2R 0L4
A $25 application fee is required when requesting information other than your own personal information under FOIP. Depending on the nature of the request, additional fees may be charged. You will be notified of the fee estimate prior to the application being processed if applicable. If the requested information is not released, you will be informed which exceptions under FOIP apply.
If you are dissatisfied with the CBE’s response to the request, you have the right to ask for a review by Alberta’s Information and Privacy Commissioner.
Note | FOIP is a last resort measure to acquire information. Please use traditional avenues when making requests before resorting to a formal FOIP request.

Protection of Privacy

The CBE is obligated under the FOIP Act to protect personal information from unauthorized collection, use and disclosure. Personal information, as defined in the FOIP Act, is any recorded information about an identifiable individual. FOIP requires that reasonable measures and safeguards be maintained by the CBE to ensure that personal information is secure and access is restricted on a “need to know” basis only.

FOIP and Information Management

FOIP places accountability on the CBE for how records and information management systems are maintained. When responding to requests, records will have to be retrieved in an accurate and timely manner. Requests made under FOIP have a specific time limitation within which the CBE must respond.
Access to information is desirable,
Privacy is essential and fundamental.​ 

 Contact Us

​Calgary Board of Education
Legal Services, Attention FOIP Coordinator
1221 – 8 Street SW
Calgary, AB  T2R 0L4

t | 403-817-7899
e |

Last modified: 7/3/2019 2:39 PM
Website feedback: Webmaster