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Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP)

Personal Information Banks

Section 87.1 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP Act) requires all public bodies to have a directory of personal information banks (PIBs) and make it available to the public.  A personal information bank lists the type of personal information held by a public body.  A personal information bank provides the following information:

  • the title or name of the information bank
  • the location of the information bank
  • what kind of personal information is contained in the information bank
  • what categories of individuals the information pertains to
  • why the information is collected and how it is used or disclosed
  • the legal authority for the collection of the information

It is important to note that a personal information bank does not provide access to an individual’s records.  For information on how to obtain personal records, contact the Privacy & Access (FOIP) Office.

Calgary Board of Education Directories

Arcview Geographical Information System

Location | The Calgary Board of Education, 1221 – 8 Street SW, Calgary, AB T2R 0L4

Information | The system contains school boundary information of students enrolled in CBE schools. It is used for analysis of accommodation and enrollment of CBE students in a geographical area. Personal information includes student identification number, name, address, school code, grade, residential code, program code, and designated school codes. The student personal information is imported from the Student Information System.

Individuals | All students enrolled with the Calgary Board of Education.

Legal Authority | Legal Authority | Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, section 33(c), Education Act

Bus Planner

Location | The Calgary Board of Education, 1221 8th Street SW, Calgary, AB T2R 0L4

Information | The system contains comprehensive information about schools, programs, boundaries, walk zones, and students enrolled in CBE schools. It is used for providing student creating school bus routes and providing data for reports including to Alberta Education. Personal information includes student identification number, name, address, school of attendance code, grade, gender, phone number, birthdate, contacts, program name, program code, international student flag, bus route and stop information, submitted forms, confidential flag, and comments/notes. The student personal information is imported from the Student Information System and Rycor, and is entered manually by staff.

Individuals | All students enrolled with the Calgary Board of Education.

Legal Authority | Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Section 33(c), Education Act

Education Building Staff Management System

Location | The Calgary Board of Education, 1221 – 8 Street SW, Calgary, AB T2R 0L4

Information | Data relating to staff in the Education Centre is tracked through a series of spreadsheets.  The information is collected and used for the following:  Access cards including employee name, permitted accesses and expiry date, door key lists, parking lists, payroll updates that include employee name and employee number, parking refunds and deletions, list of fire wardens, phone list including each occupants workstation number and location, floor number, office phone number, cell phone numbers (if provided), names of employees who have required workstation adjustments with applicable dates and budget codes.

Individuals | Staff working in the Education Centre (including the Safran Centre) and employees utilizing the parking facilities.

Legal Authority | Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Section 33(c)

Fee and Asset Management System

Location | The Calgary Board of Education, 1221 – 8 Street SW, Calgary, AB T2R 0L4

Information | Contains information pertaining to Central and school fee assignment, school based school store sales, textbooks and other school asset rental information, and fee waiver applications. Detail information includes basic student demographic information from PowerSchool (SIS), fee payment transaction history, child care tax receipts, and waiver information and documents submitted by guardians.

Individuals | All students enrolled with the Calgary Board of Education and all individuals who pay fees online.

Legal Authority | Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Section 33(c)

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Requests

Location | The Calgary Board of Education, 1221 – 8 Street SW, Calgary, AB T2R 0L4

Information | Contains the name, address, telephone number and description of information being requested or corrected.

Individuals | Names of the requester and third party names that may be included in the request and other personal information as requested.

Legal Authority | Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, section 6(1), 33(c)

Human Resources Information System

Location | The Calgary Board of Education, 1221 – 8 Street SW, Calgary, AB T2R 0L4

Information | The system supports the administration of both the human resources and payroll functions, in a multiple union and multiple-payroll environment. The personal information contained would be employee name, address, birth date, teacher certification number and status, citizenship, marital status, education history, languages spoken, work location name and address, employment commencement date, gender, phone number, social insurance number, salary grid placement, emergency contact name and phone number, benefit plans and levels. Employee Pay History such as allowances, number of dependents, vacation status, sick status, leave dates, reasons for leaves, absences and reasons for absences.

Individuals | Permanent, part time, temporary, and contracted employees.

Legal Authority | Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Section 33(c), Alberta Labour Code, Canada Tax Act, Education Act

Human Resources – Portfolios

Location | The Calgary Board of Education, 1221 – 8 Street SW, Calgary, AB T2R 0L4

Information | Names, current role, current location, CV, Letters of Intent, References, School Transcripts – used to support applications for leadership positions.

Individuals | Employees pursuing leadership positions.

Legal Authority | Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Section 33(c)

Library System

Location | The Calgary Board of Education, 1221 – 8 Street SW, Calgary, AB T2R 0L4 and most school locations.

Information | Symphony by SirsiDynix is CBE’s supported library system for all school learning commons collections. It provides access to and management of the wide variety of school and system-wide learning resources that support the personalization of learning. Personal information within Symphony includes CBE school code, CBE Student ID or Staff Username, First and last name, Homeroom, Homeroom teacher, CBE email address, and grade. The student personal information is imported from the Student Information System, and staff personal information from the HR system.

Individuals | All students and employees who use learning resource materials available through the school learning commons.

Legal Authority | Education Act, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, section 33(c)

Legal Services

Location | The Calgary Board of Education, 1221 – 8 Street SW, Calgary, AB T2R 0L4

Information | Contains information in regards to court cases, law suits or litigation by or against the CBE or its employees. Also includes disputes with associations and contract concerns. Personal information contained is employee name, location, phone number and/or names, addresses and phone numbers of complainants.

Individuals | Students, staff, parents and public involved in litigation and/or disputes.

Legal Authority | Corporations Act, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, section 33(c), Education Act

Professional Improvement Fellowships (PIF)

Location | The Calgary Board of Education, 1221 – 8 Street SW, Calgary, AB T2R 0L4

Information | Tracks funding for course reimbursements for staff taking a PIF. Contains teachers names, employee number, work location, courses taken, money approved and amount paid.

Individuals | All staff who have requested a PIF.

Legal Authority | Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, section 33(c)

Records Management

Location | The Calgary Board of Education, 3610 – 9 Street S.E. Calgary, AB T2G 3C5

Information |The CBE Records Centre stores physical records based on the life cycle of information. The personal information in student records includes student identification number, student name, birth date, address, phone number, grade, citizenship, birth country, custody, parents/guardians names and phone numbers/email, emergency contacts names and phone numbers/email, student records, marks, report cards, Individual Program Plans, assessments, health or medical information and attendance. Employee personal information includes employee name, employee number, address, birth date, citizenship, marital status, education history, work location name and address, position name, employment commencement date, gender, phone number, social insurance number, emergency contact name and phone number.  

Individuals | Students and employees

Legal Authority | Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, section 33(c), Education Act, Student Record Regulation

Rentals System

Location | The Calgary Board of Education, Highfield Office, 3610 - 9th Street S.E. Calgary, AB T2G 3C5

Information | Manages school facility rentals during non-instructional hours. Information collected: names, addresses, phone numbers, time and location that is booked, and fees paid for rental groups of CBE facilities.

Individuals | Organizations and people who rent CBE facilities.

Legal Authority | Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, section 33(c)

Service Management (ISM)

Location | The Calgary Board of Education, 1221 – 8 Street SW, Calgary, AB T2R 0L4

Information | A tool used to log, track, assign and report user requests from staff for IT services, HR Employee Contact Centre, SIS Support, Oracle, Facilities Work Orders. Personal information contained here is employee name, number, status of employment, internal phone number, position name, location code and support call history.

Individuals | All CBE employees who have contacted the Service Centre.

Legal Authority | Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, section 33(c)

Student Information System (SIS)

Location | The Calgary Board of Education, 1221 – 8 Street SW, Calgary, AB T2R 0L4 and most school locations.

Information | Includes student identification number (both CBE and Alberta Education), legal surname and given name(s), preferred surname and given name(s), birthdate, gender, registration date, school code, address, phone number, grade, citizenship, section 23 eligibility, registration entry status, resident board, exceptional student status, enrollment type, exit date, exit description, birth country, home language, residential district, homeroom, grants program code, medical notes, Visa expiry date, parents/guardians names, email addresses, phone numbers work and/or study permits, emergency contact names, email addresses and phone numbers, court documents and/or legal guardian status. Also includes report cards, Individual Program Plans (IPPs), and attendance records.

Individuals | All students, parents, guardians and emergency contacts within the district.

Legal Authority | Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, section 33(c), Student Record Regulation, Education Act


 Contact Us

Calgary Board of Education
Legal Services, Attention FOIP Coordinator
1221 – 8 Street SW
Calgary, AB  T2R 0L4

t | 403-817-7899
e |
Last modified: 5/26/2021 11:10 AM
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