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Managing Space For Students

Managing Space For Students Three Year System Student Accommodation Plan

Three Year System Student Accommodation Plan

Our Three-Year System Student Accommodation Plan (SSAP)​ ​​ide​nti​fies schools that have a utilization rate of less than 70 per cent or greater than 95 per cent, and serves as an indicator to school communities that changes may need to happen in the future.​ There are several ways we can address challenges identified in the SSAP. These include:

  • Changes to the communities a school serves
  • Changes to the grades offered in a school
  • A school, or a program offered at the school, is considered for closure
  • School system-wide changes to an alternative program​

The SSAP Process

Who Decides on the Changes to Make?​​

  • CBE administration is responsible for making decisions about how space is managed within our schools to educate students.
  • The Board of Trustees is responsible for making decisions where the recommendation involves a consideration of closure.​

​​​Factors that Affect Planning Decisions​

​When we make decisions for accommodating students, we consider several​ factors, including our Planning Principles, which are​ outlined in AR1090 and listed below:

  • Minimize disruptions for students.
  • Provide program continuity from kindergarten to Grade 12.
  • Keep cohort groups of students together.
  • Allow students to attend school as close to home as possible.
  • Provide long-term sustainability.
  • Use space and resources effectively.
  • Provide equitable access for all students to quality learning environments and choice of programs.

We also involve people affected by our decision in the decision-making process, keeping staff, parents and students informed through regular communications. When possible, we will also ask stakeholders for feedback to help us make decisions. In these cases, Planning works with Communication & Engagement Services to determine the appropriate level of engagement based on the CBE’s Dialogue Framework​. 

When we gather feedback, it is one many factors we will consider.​ Planning d​ecisions also consider other factors such as ​legislation, available budget and resources, transportation considerations and programming needs.​

Learn More​​


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 SSAP Dashboard

SSAP​ Dashboard

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 Dialogue Framework

​​​Discover dialogue​, our approach to involving people in decisions that affect them.​​

Last modified: 9/25/2024 2:16 PM
Website feedback: Webmaster