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Summer School

Summer School Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


Registration details will be provided by your current high school counsellor or junior high school administrator in April 2025. Students may register for a maximum of one Core or Option Course ​for Summer School. ​

What can a current Grade 9 student register for?

A current Grade 9 student attending a CBE school in the 2024-2025 school year can only register for Mathematics 15 (offered online only). Junior High School administrators will communicate the registration process to families in April.

I am a returning Grade 12 student but only needed to return to my home school for the fall semester. Can I register for summer school?

Yes. Please contact Chinook Learning Services at 403-777-7224. Chinook’s advisors will review your request and contact you if needed.

I was registered with Chinook Learning Services for the fall semester. Can I register for summer school?

Yes. Please contact Chinook Learning Services at 403-777-7224. Chinook’s advisors will review your request and contact you if needed.

I was registered with CBe-learn for the fall semester. Can I register for summer school?

Yes. Please contact CBe-learn at 403-777-7971.

I’m not currently attending a Calgary Board of Education (CBE) school but I am registered to attend a CBE school in Fall 2025. Can I register for summer school?

No. You must be attending a CBE school in the 2024-2025 school year in order to register for summer school.

Ge​neral Questions

How many courses can I take in Summer School?

Students may register for one course only, with the exception of Summer Off-campus (Work Experience 15-25-35 and RAP). Students must choose between online and in-person. If a student has been approved for a Dual Credit course, they cannot enrol in a summer school course as well.

Are online courses synchronous or asynchronous?

While there will be regular opportunities for synchronous instruction and support with real-time interaction, online summer school will be mostly asynchronous, taught through written instructions, pre-recorded videos, discussions, weekly live sessions, etc.

Can I travel outside of Canada and complete an online course?

Access to Brightspace on D2L may not be available in all countries. Travel outside of Canada is not recommended if you are registered in an online summer school class.

Can I start my course late or finish early?

In-person classes
No. Each day of summer instruction is the equivalent of one week of a semestered high school program. Due to the already abbreviated nature of the term, no provision will be made for missed classes, or the late start or early release of students. You are expected to attend every class as scheduled and to be present to write the final examination. Final examinations cannot be rescheduled.

Online classes
Will be available to students on June 24 with no teacher support until June 30. All work must be completed and submitted by midnight July 22.

Exams & Accomodations

Can I access special accommodations for my Summer School course?

Some accommodations are available for students that require them. For more details for in-person courses, see Summer School Testing & Accommodations. Please note that summer school programming is extremely condensed. This intensive setting requires that students be able to independently manage their cour​se loads.

Can I access special accommodations for the Provincial Diploma Exams?

If you received special accommodations for Diploma Exams during the regular school year you will likely qualify to receive them for Summer School as well. Please speak to your summer school teacher at the beginning of the course to discuss any required accommodations.​

Are there any in-person exams or assignments for online courses?

There are no in-person exams or assignments for online courses unless you are registered in a diploma course. All students registered in diploma courses must write the Diploma Exam at the location specified below. Diploma Exams take place from August 5 - 13, 2025.

Am I automatically registered to write my Diploma Exam?

First-time writers are automatically registered for Diploma Exams.

If you are rewriting, or a non-funded (international) student, advance registration is required through For detailed information, visit Diploma Exams.

When and where are Diploma Exams held?

New - ONLY Social Studies 30-2 Part A and Part B Diploma Exams will be written at Ernest Manning High School (map). All other August Diploma Exams, for in-person and online classes, will be written at Nelson Mandela High School (map).

Diploma Exams | August 5 - 13, 2025

August 2025 Diploma Exam Schedule

When will my marks be available?

The school-awarded marks for diploma and non-diploma courses will be available online through myPass on August 22, 2025. Diploma marks will show as incomplete in myPass until approximately 3 weeks after writing diploma exams. To request your Detailed Academic Report (DAR), go to and set-up your account to review diploma marks online. You will need to know your Alberta Student Number (ASN) to sign in. Your ASN can be found on any Alberta report card or by going to Alberta Education Student Information and High School Transcripts.

Please set-up your account as soon as possible as you will not be able to access diploma marks until your account is active. Activation could take up to 2 weeks.

Note: Most post-secondary institutions have an August 1 deadline for mark submission and may not accept Summer School course marks. Contact the post-secondary institution for more details.

When will I find out if my course request has been approved?

You will be notified by email the week of June 2 - 6, 2025 as to whether or not you have been enrolled. Ensure you are checking your junk/spam folder as well as your inbox for these notifications. If you have not received your notification, contact us as follows:

In-person classes with Chinook Learning Services:

Online classes with CBe-learn:

Withdrawals & Refunds

How do I withdraw from my Summer School course?

Withdrawal Deadline: July 11, 2025

Prior to June 27, contact your high school counsellor or junior high school administrator immediately to withdraw from Summer School. If summer school courses have already started:

  • ​In-person with Chinook Learning Services: Contact the administrator at the Summer School Location​ you are registered to attend your class at.​
  • Online with CBe-learn: Contact your teacher.

After the withdrawal deadline, students will remain on the class list and the mark they have earned will appear on their transcript.​​​​

I am a fee paying student. Am I entitled to a refund if I withdraw?

Refund Deadline: July 11, 2025

Fee paying students who withdraw on or before the refund deadline are entitled to a refund. The non-refundable Program Fee of $65 is withheld for all withdrawals.

Last modified: 3/7/2025 2:43 PM
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