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Social Media - @yycbedu

Follow the Calgary Board of Education on social media for news stories and timely system updates.​

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Social Media Disclaim​​er

​​​​​​​Staff in Communication and Engagement Services administer Calgary Board of Education social media accounts. We update and monitor account intermittently throughout the day from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday.​

We welcome your comments and questions. All posts must align with the Board’s values and commitment to promoting a welcoming, caring, safe, respectful and inclusive lea​​​rning environment. Please ensure you do not include any personal information or photos.

Personal attacks, offensive language ​and unsubstantiated allegations will not be allowed and may be deleted. Comments not directly related to education may also be deleted. Spam will be reported as such. We ask that anyone interacting with us through social media be respectful and constructive, and respect our diverse population.

  • We do not allow obscene, explicit or racial comments or posts nor do we allow comments that are abusive, hateful or intended to defame CBE staff or our organization.
  • We reserve the right to delete comments that:
    • provides personal or student information
    • are spam or advertising
    • are clearly off-topic or disruptive
    • advocate illegal activity
    • violate Calgary Board of Education policies and regulations
  • Specific school concerns should be addressed with the teacher or principal. If there is no resolution, parents are encouraged to speak to the appropriate ​Area Offices.

We cannot commit to replying individually to all messages received on social media. For official correspondence, please email CBECommunications@cbe.a​​ or phone 403-817-7955​. ​​

Last modified: 10/26/2021 11:29 AM
Website feedback: Webmaster