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Curriculum Advocacy – Ensuring Success for K-6 Learners

Since 2021, the CBE Board of Trustees​ has been clear that we support the government's goal of strengthening the curriculum to prepare students for the future. To be successful in post-secondary education and the world of work, learners need to be engaged, critical thinkers and creative problem solvers.

The CBE has provided specific and detailed feedback on concerns for timing, design, and content directly to the provincial government, through the Alberta School Boards Association (ASBA) and College of Alberta School Superintendents (CASS).  The Board supports​ ongoing structured feedback opportunities to strengthen curriculum design and content.

​​We appreciate the engagement and responsiveness of Alberta Education for the design of the new Social Studies curriculum​. The curriculum has been updated to reflect feedback received.  We are pleased further engagement is planned and that teachers will have an opportunity to pilot the refined draft K-6 Social Studies curriculum and provide feedback.

Alberta Education mandates curriculum. ​Teachers are experts in designing learning that meets the needs of students now and in the future. The Board of Trustees has full confidence in the ability of the CBE to provide quality education for all students.

Last modified: 10/11/2024 10:13 AM
Website feedback: Webmaster