School Culture & Environment

School Culture & Environment Anti-Racism & Equity

Anti-Racism & Equity

CBE CARES: Collaborati​on for Anti-Racism and Equity Supports (CARES) 

CBE CARES serves to advance equity, anti-racism and inclusion within the CBE. Every student should have the opportunity to succeed personally and academically regardless of background, identity or personal circumstances.

The CBE is developing actionable strategies to advance this work. The CBE is accounting for the input gathered from the CBE CARES Advisory Council and listening sessions held in the 2020-21 school year and reflecting best practices to address racism and discrimination in the school board context.


While our work with the advi​sory council is ongoing in 2021-22, there are some key areas of focus that we expect will be part of our plan based on the feedback received to date:

  • ​Professional development
  • Organizational policies and practices
  • Naming and reporting racism

As a system, we are working together every day to build positive and inclusive learning and work environments for everyone. Addressing racism and discrimination is ongoing work. It takes more than one conversation with staff, students, and community. The CBE is committed to positive change.

For updates, please review the sidebar. 

Last modified: 2/17/2022 10:53 AM
Website feedback: Webmaster