Students eating lunch
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Lunch Supervision

Lunch Supervision Staying for Lunch

Staying for Lunch

Principals have the flexibility to make school-based decisions for their lunch supervision programs.

Please check with your school for specific information about their lunch supervision program.

The Calgary Board of Education provides students with the option to stay at school for lunch. Lunch Supervision is offered to all students in Grades 1- 6 and in our full-day kindergarten programs for an annual fee. Students in these grades require direct supervision during the lunch hour, regardless of the grade configuration of the school or the mode of transportation the students use to get to and from school each day.

You can expect the following for your Lunch Supervision Fees:

  • A safe and caring environment for students to eat lunch.
  • Supervision for the entire lunch period, unless the student is signed out by a parent/guardian.
  • Daily attendance will be taken.
  • Students must remain on school grounds, unless written permission has been provided to the school by a parent/guardian.
  • A dedicated space for eating.
  • Only students that have registered and paid the lunch supervision fee can access the service:
    • CBE has a waiver process for families who can’t afford to pay the fees.
    • Note | Use of service indicates that the Parent/Guardian accepts the terms and the responsibility to pay the annual fee.
  • Income tax receipts are issued for Lunch Supervision Fees that may be included as child care expenses for income tax purposes.
  • Lunch Supervision Fees are directed to providing lunchroom supervisors.

What lunch supervision service is not:

  • Access to food or snacks; students are required to bring a lunch.
  • Access to hot water, microwave, dishes, utensils or other cooking facilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are students required to be supervised?
Our Administrative Regulation 3048 – Noon Services states that all schools offering programs to Grades 1-6 and full-day kindergarten students (regardless of the school’s grade configuration) must offer a lunch supervision service.

Why do I need to pay Lunch Supervision Fees?
Lunch supervision services provide participating students with supervision while they are eating and during the lunch period activities. Families of students staying at school during the lunch period are required to pay the annual Lunch Supervision Fee. Revenue from these fees are used by schools to hire lunchroom supervisors. Income tax receipts are issued for Lunch Supervision Fee: receipts may be included as child care expenses for income tax purposes.

Does my child have to stay at school during the lunch hour?
No, your child is not required to participate in lunch supervision services if they are signed out from the school or other arrangements are made for their supervision. Families are responsible for ensuring care is provided.

Why doesn’t lunch supervision look the same for all students, regardless of the school they attend?
CBE provides flexible options, based on school configuration, for students during the lunch period. Principals have the flexibility to make school-based decisions for their lunch supervision programs based on the building layout, overall school utilization and grade configuration in the school. For example, some of our older buildings have a cafeteria in the school that students are able to access; other schools are at capacity and have limited space to use during the lunch period.

How does the level of supervision in middle schools differ from the level that students in older grades at the same school receive?
Our schools provide supervision for all students inside of school buildings and on school property during the lunch period. The difference is that students in Grade 7 and above are not supervised by dedicated lunch supervisors.

Why aren’t the students in Grade 7 and above charged for lunch supervision?
Supervision of the older grades is not provided by dedicated Lunch Supervisors paid with​ revenue from Lunch Supervision Fees. Some schools may charge a lunchtime activity fee, but that revenue is used to supplement equipment and/or materials for noon hour activities.

My child is not supervised on Calgary Transit coming to school, why do they need supervision at lunch?
Parents choose how their students get to and from school. When a student accesses public transportation services, the parent is responsible for supervising the student’s access and use of that service.

Transportation is not related to lunch supervision. The Education Act​ requires CBE to be responsible for the supervision of students while in school and on the school grounds and our Administration Regulation 3048 requires all schools offering full-day kindergarten to Grade 6 programming must offer lunch supervision services.

What if my child only stays over the lunch period on certain days?
Many schools will allow students who normally go home over the lunch break to remain at school occasionally. The student will be charged a daily drop-in fee and expected to adhere to the same rules and expectations for all other students during the lunch period.

Can my child still participate in clubs or intramurals offered over the lunch period?
Yes, students can participate in clubs and/or intramurals. Some schools may charge a lunchtime activity fee, but that revenue is used to supplement equipment and/or materials for these activities.

What if my family cannot afford to pay the Lunch Supervision Fee?
CBE has a waiver process for families who can’t afford to pay the fees. Visit Fees and Waivers for more information about the application process.​

Lunch Supervision Registration

Lunch supervision registration continues throughout the year and payments can only be accepted once students are registered. You can register and pay using your MyCBE parent account.

2023-24 lunch supervision registration and fees will be available aft​er September 2023​. You can pay using MyCBE.

Please visit Fees and Waivers for more information.​

What to Bring for Lunch

  • Students in the lunch program at the elementary level need to bring lunch as cafeteria service only becomes available in some middle schools, and in high schools.
  • We encourage the use of an insulated flask (eg. Thermos™) for hot lunches as most schools have phased out supplying microwaves and/or hot water due to safety.
  • In some schools, to help bridge the nutritional needs of students when necessary, lunch and snack programs are supported by a number of organizations such as Calgary Boys and Girls Club, Bro​wn Bagging for Calgary Kids​, the Calgary Interfaith Food Bank and the Meals on Wheels, Hot Soup Program.

How to Register

You can register and pay online with MyCBE​​.​

Last modified: 7/29/2024 2:25 PM
Website feedback: Webmaster