| Government announces modernizations, replacement school for CBE | Calgary Board of Education students will have improved facilities thanks to the Government of Alberta. | Jan. 21, 2014 |
 | New schools benefit students | Students in the Calgary Board of Education will have six new schools thanks to the Government of Alberta. | Feb. 10, 2014 |
 | Plans for 2014-15 assessment and reporting practices released | In the spring of 2013, the Calgary Board of Education shared its plans to develop a common report card for students in kindergarten to Grade 9. | May. 07, 2014 |
 | Reviewing the Criteria for School Capital Planning Priorities | The CBE is engaging the public on the ranking the criteria for School Capital Planning Priorities. | Jun. 03, 2014 |
 | Alberta Infrastructure P3 School Announcement | On June 18, Alberta Infrastructure announced that it would not be using a P3 construction model to build 19 schools in Alberta. | Jun. 19, 2014 |
 | Mini-schools proposal released | | Jun. 27, 2014 |
 | New School Zone Times Take Effect | Calgary school zones and playground zones now have standardized hours. | Aug. 12, 2014 |
 | Kingsland Reception Centre joins with community partners to welcome refugees | On a warm day in August, the rays of sunshine extended into Kingsland Reception Centre as the learning services staff came together to welcome 31 refugees into the Calgary Board of Education (CBE). | Aug. 19, 2014 |
 | System-wide technology outage scheduled for Aug. 23 & 24 | Information Technology Services will be conducting maintenance work over the weekend. | Aug. 21, 2014 |
 | Calgary Board of Education files statement of defence against Christine Meikle School lawsuit | | Aug. 26, 2014 |
 | Changes to bus stops for 2014-15 school year | The Calgary Board of Education is always looking for ways to make our transportation service as efficient and fiscally responsible as possible. | Aug. 28, 2014 |
 | CBE launches fleet of environmentally friendly buses | Media are invited to attend an availability to learn more about the new propane buses purchased by Southland Transportation for CBE bus routes. | Aug. 29, 2014 |
 | CBE launches fleet of environmentally friendly buses | | Sep. 02, 2014 |
 | Exciting new school year beings | The Calgary Board of Education is delighted to be starting an exciting new year of teaching and learning. | Sep. 02, 2014 |
 | CBE to host consultant presentations on six school construction projects on Sept. 17 | The Calgary Board of Education will be hosting consultant presentations on designs for six capital projects. | Sep. 04, 2014 |
 | We’ve heard you: CBE to host open house for reviewing the criteria for school capital planning priorities | We would like to share this information with the public on how we rank requests for new schools, modernizations and modular classrooms. | Sep. 04, 2014 |
 | May/June Expense Reports | May/June Expense Reports now available | Sep. 08, 2014 |
 | CBE Capital Projects Technical Briefing | CALGARY—Calgary Board of Education Board of Trustees Chair Joy Bowen-Eyre has released the following statement regarding the appointment of the Honourable Gordon Dirks as Minister of Education. | Sep. 09, 2014 |
 | Power restored at three schools | Three CBE schools experienced power outages this morning. | Sep. 09, 2014 |
 | School remains open at Crescent Heights High School despite power outage | Power is out at Crescent Heights High School but the school is open. | Sep. 09, 2014 |
 | Weather warning for parents and students | CBE is reminding parents and guardians to be prepared in bad weather. | Sep. 09, 2014 |
 | CBE schools are open today | Due to the weather conditions, approximately 60 schools have experienced power outages today. | Sep. 10, 2014 |
 | CBE Update: Impact of today’s weather on schools | | Sep. 10, 2014 |
 | Impact of today's weather on our schools | | Sep. 10, 2014 |
 | Queen Elizabeth High School graduate wins prestigious international prize | Shortly before Hayley Todesco completed Grade 12 at Queen Elizabeth High School this spring, she learned she had won the Canadian Stockholm Junior Water Prize. | Sep. 10, 2014 |
 | All CBE schools have power and are open. Yellow school buses are running. | All Calgary Board of Education schools are open today and have power. Yellow school buses are operating as usual. | Sep. 11, 2014 |
 | Langevin School unveils mural | | Sep. 11, 2014 |
 | CBE Capital Projects Technical Briefing | | Sep. 12, 2014 |
 | 2013 flood inspires creativity and learning at CBE schools | The flooding that took place in 2013 affected Calgary schools in a variety of ways. Regardless of their experience, many schools took the opportunity to learn from the experience and celebrate Calgary’s community spirit. | Sep. 15, 2014 |
 | CBE Capital Projects Update | The CBE is facing pressures for more space for students throughout our system but particularly in new communities. | Sep. 15, 2014 |
 | CBE response to Minister of Education announcement | | Sep. 15, 2014 |
 | Invitation to participate in the 2014 Making Healthy Choices Mini Expo | The Calgary Board of Education (CBE) and the Calgary Catholic School District (CCSD) are hosting a joint mini expo. | Sep. 18, 2014 |
 | Visit the Career and Technology Centre (CTC) at Lord Shaughnessy High School where students are plugging into their passions | The Career and Technology Centre is participating in Doors Open YYC | Sep. 18, 2014 |
 | CBE working to clear storm damage | The Calgary Board of Education grounds department is continuing to respond throughout the city to emergency situations resulting from this week’s snow damage to our schools and other properties. | Sep. 19, 2014 |
 | Calgary students to benefit from new schools | The Province is partnering with the Calgary Board of Education (CBE) to build four starter schools. | Sep. 22, 2014 |
 | CBE launches integrated school support project with partners | At the Calgary Board of Education, we are committed to providing opportunities for every single student to be successful. And we’re proud to work in partnership with other groups that share in that vision... | Sep. 22, 2014 |
 | Free Access to Microsoft Office for CBE students | We are pleased to be able to offer the new Microsoft Student Advantage Program to our students. | Sep. 22, 2014 |
 | October is Learning Disabilities Awareness Month | Calgarians are invited to come and learn more about living with learning disabilities. | Sep. 22, 2014 |
 | CBE response to Trustee Taylor’s Leave of Absence | Joy Bowen-Eyre, Chair of the CBE Board of Trustees, has released the following statement regarding today’s announcement by Trustee Sheila Taylor. | Oct. 01, 2014 |
 | CBE Special Board of Trustees Meeting | | Oct. 02, 2014 |
 | CBE Board of Trustees Accepts Resignation | | Oct. 03, 2014 |
 | KidsCAN School Day | On Sept. 27, the Talisman Center welcomed over 750 CBE students as they took part in the ninth annual KidsCAN School Day. | Oct. 03, 2014 |
 | William Aberhart students win best short film at international film festival | Grade 11 students Caleb Mueller and Anna Svikhnushin win best short film | Oct. 06, 2014 |
 | New school projects announced for CBE | Five new school projects were announced for the Calgary Board of Education. | Oct. 08, 2014 |
 | CBE celebrates another year of strong student results | CBE students demonstrated another year of strong academic performance on the 2013-14 provincial achievement tests and diploma exams | Oct. 09, 2014 | Oct. 09, 2014 |
 | CBE celebrates another year of strong student results | | Oct. 09, 2014 |
 | October Lighthouse Award Winner | Free the Children | Free the Children was the recipient of October's Lighthouse Award | Oct. 10, 2014 | Oct. 10, 2014 |
 | CBE update | Downtown Power Outage | Areas of downtown Calgary are currently without power as a result of an electrical fire that occurred this weekend. | Oct. 13, 2014 |
 | CBE 2014 Enrolment Numbers | An official count on Sept. 30 confirms that once again a record number of students are enrolled with the Calgary Board of Education. | Oct. 14, 2014 |
 | CBE Board approved modular classroom plan | On Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2014, the CBE Board of Trustees approved the 2015-16 Modular Classroom Plan | Oct. 14, 2014 | Oct. 14, 2014 |
 | Central Memorial iGEM team breaks down stereotypes at international competition | Students on Central Memorial High School’s iGem team participate in the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Oct. 14, 2014 |
 | Proposed CBE 2015/16 modular classroom plan | | Oct. 14, 2014 |
 | “Walking a mile in our shoes”| Seismic in Motion for Students | Two Hundred CBE students from 5 high schools took part in the 2014 Seismic in Motion for Students. | Oct. 15, 2014 |
 | CBE Relationship with School Councils | The Board of Trustees made a decision recently about the CBE’s relationship with the Calgary Association of Parents and School Councils (CAPSC) | Oct. 17, 2014 | Oct. 17, 2014 |
 | CBE Board of Trustees Approves Updated Ranking Criteria for School Capital Planning | The CBE has reviewed the ranking criteria used requesting new school construction and major modernizations, and has created a new set of criteria be used for requesting modular units | Oct. 20, 2014 | Oct. 20, 2014 |
 | Team Giordano | Points to the Future Kick-Off | Students, staff and supervisors from three CBE schools were at the Saddledome for the Team Giordano Points to the Future Kick-off | Oct. 20, 2014 | Oct. 20, 2014 |
 | CBE Wins Calgary Reads’ “Ed Bookie” Award | The CBE was honoured with this year’s “Ed Bookie” award by Calgary Reads. | Oct. 21, 2014 |
 | Nominate an Outstanding Teacher for the 2015 Excellence in Teaching Awards | The 2015 Excellence in Teaching Awards program is now open and accepting nominations for outstanding teachers and principals. | Oct. 21, 2014 |
 | Wildwood School Presented With Recycling Award | | Oct. 22, 2014 |
 | City Hall School Celebrates its 15th Year! | Three mayors, many more City councillors, dozens of City experts and over 10,000 students later…City Hall School celebrates its 15th year! | Oct. 23, 2014 |
 | Thomas B. Riley School Raises Money for Cancer Research | | Oct. 24, 2014 |
 | CBE Board of Trustees Explores Options for a Byelection | The CBE Board of Trustees has been examining options to address the vacant trustee seat on the Board | Oct. 28, 2014 | Oct. 28, 2014 |
 | Important Information from Alberta Health Services | Vaccines are the most effective way to prevent preventable diseases. | Oct. 28, 2014 |
 | CBE Capital Projects Technical Briefing | | Oct. 29, 2014 |
 | Students Toss Teddy Bears for Children's Hospital | | Oct. 31, 2014 |
 | CBE Seeking Audit Committee Volunteers | The CBE Board of Trustees is seeking volunteers for its Audit Committee. | Nov. 03, 2014 |
 | Willow Park School Moves “Onward” with Community and Alberta Government Grants for New Technology | Willow Park School developed a new slogan called “onward!” after the fire last year and invited the entire school and community to rise up against adversity. | Nov. 03, 2014 |
 | CBE Principal Liana Appelt Named Top 40 Under 40 | Liana Appelt was named one of the Top 40 Under 40 in Avenue Magazine | Nov. 04, 2014 | Nov. 04, 2014 |
 | Calgary Schools Generate Own Energy With Solar Panel Projects | CBE schools are harnassing the rays of the sun to create energy | Nov. 07, 2014 | Nov. 07, 2014 |
 | Going To We Day | We Day is an event dedicate to making a positive impact and empowering future generations. | Nov. 07, 2014 |
 | Share Your Ideas on COSC as Parent Stakeholder | The Board of Trustees recently decided to have the Council of School Councils (COSC) serve as the Calgary Board of Education's official parent stakeholder | Nov. 7, 2014 | Nov. 07, 2014 |
 | Students Honour Fallen Soldiers | CBE schools held Remembrance Day ceremonies Nov. 7, and several of these school ceremonies are highlighted. | Nov. 07, 2014 |
 | Get Your Tickets to the 3rd Annual Night with the Hitmen | All CBE students, staff, and their families are invited to come cheer on the Calgary Hitmen. | Nov. 12, 2014 |
 | CBE Board of Trustees Asks for Public Input on Byelection | | Nov. 13, 2014 |
 | CBE Open Houses Highlight Schools and Programs | The CBE has a rich variety of programs to personalize learning for students. | Nov. 13, 2014 |
 | CBE Board of Trustees Asks for Public Input on Byelection | | Nov. 14, 2014 |
 | Sherwood School Talks Cyberbullying During Bullying Awareness Week | | Nov. 14, 2014 |
 | Trustee Byelection: Share Your Voice | Trustees would like input from the public prior to making a decision to hold a byelection. | Nov. 14, 2014 |
 | Building Teams at Harold Panabaker School | At the heart of Harold Panabaker School lies a desire for everyone to practice empathy. | Nov. 17, 2014 |
 | CBE Celebrates International Education Week Nov. 17-21 | International Education Week is a week-long event celebrated by over 100 countries around the world | Nov. 17, 2014 | Nov. 17, 2014 |
 | Conference Helps CBE Create Safe Learning Environments | Often some of our best learning happens when we immerse ourselves in new environments | Nov. 17, 2014 |
 | Creating Safe and Caring School Communities All Year Long | Creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for every student is critical to achieving our Mission. | Nov. 17, 2014 |
 | Crescent Heights High School - Big School, Small Community | When you enter Crescent Heights High School, it’s hard not to notice the colourful display of flags from around the world. | Nov. 17, 2014 |
 | Deer Run School - Building the Foundation for Resiliency | When you walk into the office of Deer Run School, a large banner hangs on the wall. | Nov. 17, 2014 |
 | Mayland Heights HEALS students and staff | What do snowshoeing, caring and snack challenges have in common? | Nov. 17, 2014 |
 | Three CBE Students Receive Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award | Congratulations to Arbour Lake School students who were awarded the 2014 Governor General’s award for their commitment to helping others. | Nov. 19, 2014 |
 | Welcome to Our New Website | We are proud to show you our new website. | Nov. 20, 2014 |
 | CBE Capital Projects Technical Briefing | | Nov. 25, 2014 |
 | CBE Releases 2014-15 School Enrolment Report | The 2014-15 School Enrolment Report was presented to the Board of Trustees for information at the Nov. 25, 2014 meeting. | Nov. 26, 2014 |
 | Former Students Invited to Meet with Board of Trustees | The Board of Trustees is interested in meeting with a diverse cross-section of former CBE high school students. | Nov. 27, 2014 |
 | Year-End Financial Report – Media Briefing - CANCELLED | | Nov. 27, 2014 |
 | Altadore School is Semi-Finalist for Grant to Build Edible Garden | Kids getting their hands dirty and moving towards a more ecological world. | Nov. 28, 2014 |
 | Next Board Meeting Dec. 2, 2014 | Next Board Meeting Dec. 2, 2014 | Dec. 01, 2014 |
 | Board of Trustees Vote to Hold Byelection | At the Dec. 2, 2014 public board meeting the CBE Board of Trustees voted 5-1 to hold a by-election to fill the vacant trustee seat for Wards 11 and 13. | Dec. 02, 2014 |
 | Forest Lawn GSA Students Spread Positive Message | Students at Forest Lawn High School are busy plotting a video and social media campaign to raise awareness about gay-straight alliances. | Dec. 02, 2014 |
 | CBE’s 2013-14 Year-End Financial Report Approved | | Dec. 03, 2014 |
 | Ted Harrison Grade 8 Students Win Beakerhead Ingenuity Challenge | Congratulations to Grade 8 students at Ted Harrison School on their award-winning submission to the Atomic 13 Ingenuity Challenge at Beakerhead. | Dec. 08, 2014 |
 | Rotary Club of Calgary | November’s Lighthouse Award Recipient | The November Board of Trustee’s Lighthouse Award was presented to the Rotary Club of Calgary for their Stay in School Program. | Dec. 09, 2014 |
 | Briefing About K-9 Assessment and Reporting | | Dec. 10, 2014 |
 | Western Canada High School Decorates Trees for Families in Need | | Dec. 10, 2014 |