School Yard

Health & Wellness in School

Health & Wellness in School Health & Wellness in School

Student ​​Well-Being Framework

Well-being is an important contribu​tor to success in school. With recent ongoing global health challenges, it is apparent that students need to be healthy to learn. Well-being is central to a student’s ability to thrive in education and life. As such, the Student Well-Being Framework emerges from and is supported by CBE’s mission and values:

  • Mission | Each student, in keeping with their in​dividual abilities and gifts, will complete high school with a foundation of learning necessary to thrive in life, work and continued learning.
  • Values | Students come first – Learning is our central purpose – Public education serves the common good.

With students and learning at the centre, CBE values acknowledge the well-being of every person within the organization. In a Culture of Well-Being, students, school-based and service unit employees, parents, Elders and Knowledge Keepers, and community leaders are all included and contribute to their own and others’ well-being. The Student Well-Being Framework is one of many intentional steps to advance a Culture of Well-Being within CBE and is designed to be a strategic support for improving student well-being.

Read Student Well-Being Framework

Comprehensive ​​School Health

At the CBE, we believe in a whole school approach to health and wellness. We call this our Comprehensive School Health (CSH) approach. CSH is about healthy eating, active living, supportive social environments and positive mental health. Each school creates its own approach and goals for health and wellness, but as a system we focus on the following four areas:

Comprehensive School Health Circle 


Building Healthy Comm​unities

We have many different programs, partnerships and strategies to support our schools in creating healthy communities:

  • Implementing healthy school policies
    • Our work is guided by Policies and Regulations that describe the expectations of the Board of Trustees and the Chief Superintendent. We have created several system-wide Administrative Regulations relating to nutrition, student safety and well-being.
  • Creating supportive social and physical environments
    • Schools use a variety of approaches and strategies to create safe and caring schools that best suit their communities. They are also supported by a variety of system resources.
  • Teaching students about health and wellness
    • Health and life skills are included in Alberta's Programs of Study, which identify what students are expected to learn and do in all subjects and grades from kindergarten to Grade 12.
  • Developing strong partnerships and services with our communities
    • Our students and schools health and wellness needs are supported by many organizations and generous donors who partner with us.​


 News Stories

You can find more stories in our News Centre in Health & Wellness​.

Last modified: 8/23/2024 2:52 PM
Website feedback: Webmaster