Supports for Students
Cultural and Linguistic Support
We help students and families from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. We help you get to know our schools and our system, and to feel at home with us.
Our Services
Diversity and Learning Support Advisors:
- Provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services to students, their families and staff.
- Assist culturally and linguistically diverse students’ integration and success in the CBE.
- Support families to be informed and active learning partners in their child’s learning.
- Enable parents and schools to build effective communication and relationships to support student’s integration and learning.
- Profile cultural competency, diversity and inclusion with school staff.
- Facilitate parents’ access for supports and services in the community.
How to Get Support
You can request cultural and linguistic support through your child’s teacher. The teacher will help you to complete a referral form and will submit it for advisor services. There is no charge to families or students.
Our team works in these languages, but we can provide you with support no matter what your language or cultural background is. If your first language is not included below, we can provide interpretating services for all of the languages listed on the
Language Interpreting List.
- Mandarin
- Nuer
- Punjabi
- Russian
- Somali
- Spanish
- Swahili
- Urdu
- Vietnamese
- Amharic
- Arabic
- Cantonese
- Dari
- Farsi
- Gujrati
- Hindi
- Korean
- Kutchi
To Find Out More
For more information about how to access cultural and linguistic support services, please speak to your child's teacher.
If you are already receiving the service, please speak with your diversity advisor. If you have questions or concerns that your advisor is not able to address, please email
School Improvement.
Contact Us
School Improvement,
English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Diversity Services