Conducting Research
Research Application Process
How to Apply
Research applications must be sent to
Please note that if your email attachment is larger than 10 MB, your email will not be received due to size restrictions. Please spread your attachments over several emails if necessary. If you don’t receive confirmation of receipt of your application with 7 days, please send a follow-up email. In order to be considered complete for processing, all applications must contain the following:
Application to Conduct Research
- Letter of Introduction to Research
- Recruitment Package
- Copy of Oral Explanation (for student explanation)
- Consent and assent Document
- Complete copy of surveys, questionnaires, interview questions, or interview guide
- Complete copy of Research Ethics Board (REB) approval documentation
- A
Police Information Check (PIC) including a Vulnerable Sector Search for those accessing student information, or working with students and/or staff
*Studies that do not require REB approval will require a CBE Informed Consent form. Please email for a template.
What Happens after My Application is Submitted?
You will receive a confirmation email that your application has been received by Research & Strategy. If you don’t receive this email within 7 days of submission, please send a follow-up email. Application processing can take up to 12 weeks so we recommend submitting your application well in advance of your proposed start date. Please note that there will be no research conducted in the board in August, September or June.
Following review you will receive correspondence to let you know if your study has been:
- Approved
- Conditionally approved (to be approved subject to specified conditions)
- Requested to be revised
- Rejected
Studies may not commence until they have received Approval status. Approved studies will receive a signed letter from Research & Strategy that the researcher must provide to school Principals in their information packages so that schools may make an informed decision about whether or not to participate in the research.
Should you receive revisions, please follow the Guide to Responding to Revisions.
Guide to Responding to Revisions
If revisions are requested, they will be provided back to you in point form. To respond, please:
- provide a response to each individual point describing how you have revised your documents;
- provide instructions on where revisions were made throughout the applications documents; and
- highlight or use red font to make all changes visible.