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News Media in Our Schools

Media Coverage in Schools and at School Events

To comply with Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy legislation, we have a responsibility to limit media coverage to students with prior parental consent for media interviews.
For security or privacy reasons, some parents may not want their child to appear in the media. Parents sign release or consent forms for each individual event or media request, not once at the beginning of the school year. For this reason, reporters are asked to contact Communication Services in advance of covering an event at a school.

Reporters covering an event at a school are asked to request permission from the attending CBE staff member, principal or teacher before interviewing or photographing students.
It is up to the discretion of each principal as to whether media is permitted on school property.
If the principal prefers not to be interviewed, or if the media inquiry concerns a system-wide issue rather than a school-specific topic, please contact Communication Services and we will assist in identifying a CBE spokesperson.


​Media Relations/
Communication Services 

e |

t | 403-819-2317 

B-Roll: Elementary, Middle/Jr High and High School

Last modified: 8/17/2023 2:58 PM
Website feedback: Webmaster