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Curriculum Off-Site Activities

Off-Site Activities

​At the CBE, we call “field trips” off-site activities. Off-site activities are learning experiences that occur away from the school site and are organized and supervised by the CBE. All off-site activities must adhere to our Administrative Regulation 3027 – Off-Site Activities.

Off-site activities enable students to participate in quality learning experiences that are:

  • Supporting educational outcomes
  • Relevant, flexible, and accessible
  • Connected to the Alberta Program of Studies curriculum and learning outcomes, Guide to Education and CBE Results statements.

An off-site activity usually originates with the classroom teacher (called the teacher-in-charge) who makes a proposal to his or her principal. Once the activity is approved, the teacher will provide information to parents regarding the off-site activity including potential risks that are unique to the activity.

Student safety is always a priority for us, so before granting approval for each activity we carefully consider the following:

  • Potential hazards or risks 
  • The kinds of incidents that could occur from these risks
  • The safety procedures for the students, staff and volunteer
  • The training needed for the activity and within the environment the activity takes place in
  • The equipment needed for the activity and the training needed to ensure proper use of that equipment
  • Emergency preparedness
  • How and with whom will we communicate during the off-site activity

Preparing Your Child for an Off-Site Activity

  • Read all of the information sent home with your child from the teacher.
  • After reviewing information, if you want your child to participate in the off-site activity sign the Acknowledgment of Risk Form and any other documents provided by the teacher.
  • A parent meeting is required for all overnight off-site activities, and may be held for other off-site activities.
  • Talk to you child about the activity – where they will go, what they will do and what they will be learning about.
  • The consent of the parent, guardian, or volunteer must be obtained before the student may participate in an off-site activity.

Volunteering for an Off-Site Activity

If you want to volunteer with an off-site activity, please keep in mind:

  • Volunteers on an activity are considered as representatives of the Calgary Board of Education and are subject to the same expectations as staff.
  • Volunteers are subject to the requirements of Administrative Regulation 5003 – Volunteers, which includes an application and a police security screening check.
  • Volunteers must have the experience and qualifications appropriate for the activity.
  • Volunteers are covered by the CBE’s liability insurance policy while performing their assigned duties.
  • Volunteers are covered by WCB while performing their duties.
  • Volunteers receive direction from and are accountable to the teacher-in-charge.

Contact Us

If you have a question regarding a field trip, please contact the teacher organizing the trip or the principal at your child’s school.

Students at the Calgary Zoo

Last modified: 2/4/2025 10:29 AM
Website feedback: Webmaster