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Managing Space For Students

Managing Space For Students SSAP Redesignations for Schools in South-Central Calgary

SSAP Redesignations for Schools in South-Central Calgary

​On Oct. 3, families impacted by redesignations at schools in south-central Calgary received a letter notifying them of a plan to balance enrolment among the schools. The development and launch of the plan was timed to align with the launch of the CBE Home Education Relocation project, upon which some of the plan was dependent.

Since the original plan was released, the official end-of-September 2024 enrolment count school boards are required to submit to the province and modified projections for the area revealed slower growth than anticipated and reduced pressures at some schools. In digging deeper into the data, some smaller-than-ideal class sizes also became evident.

In consideration of the new data and its impacts, it was prudent to re-assess the redesignation plan for schools in south-central Calgary. In addition to considering the new data and its implications, the assessment:

  • focused on achieving the benefits for students, families and schools,​
  • sought to minimize disruption as much as possible, while recognizing some students and families will experience change, and
  • considered the CBE's planning principles​.

The assessment determined the original plan could not be adjusted to sufficiently address the issue of smaller-than-ideal class sizes. It also affirmed that status quo is not an option for the long term, while also indicating implementation could be phased in.

Based on this assessment, a new pla​​n has been developed for implementation in the 2025-26 school year. The plan is contingent upon the relocation of CBE Home Education, which is currently located at Windsor Park School.​​ We plan to confirm 2025-26 student designations with affected families in late February 2025, after the Board of Trustees process for the relocation of CB​E Home Education concludes.

View the Story Map​ for the New​ Plan

​Why We're Making Changes

The redesignation plan balances enrolment at schools in south-central Calgary, benefitting staff, students, families and schools. Specifically, this plan:

  • Supports student success
  • Opens much-needed space in the area
  • Contributes to our goal of removing the cap and overflows from Elboya and Rideau Park schools
  • Increases enrolment at under-utilized schools​​

Moving CBE Home Education

CBE Home Education currently operates out of Windsor Park School. CBE Administration is putting forward a recommendation to the Board of Trustees that CBE Home Education be relocated to Bel-Aire School to re-open Windsor Park School for community students. This change would reduce the need to overflow students at Elboya and Rideau Park schools and create space to relieve pressure on other neighbouring schools. The recommendation will be submitted to the Board of Trustees in December 2024 and the final decision is expected to be made by the Board of Trustees by February 2025, in alignment with GC-3E (2): Closure of Schools Procedure​

The Board of Trustees’ process and decision are separate and apart from this redesignation plan; however, the Board decision will impact what some of the redesignations look like.​​

 Original Communication to Families Sent Oct. 3, 2024

The letters and materials developed in support of the original plan​ are available at this link​ if you would like to review them.


Area 7 for Elboya, Rideau Park, Mount Royal and William Reid schools

Area 6 for ​Chinook Park and Woodman schools

Last modified: 11/19/2024 4:03 PM
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