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Subject Matter Arts-Centred Learning Program

Arts-Centred Learning Program

​Is Arts-Centre Learning the Right Choice for My Child?

A successful student demonstrates:

  • an interest in and passion for the arts

  • initiative, imagination and ingenuity when engaging in a variety of creative processes to develop and explore ideas

  • the ability to thrive in a fast-paced rigorous program that extends beyond the basic curricular expectation

  • a willingness to take advantage of multiple learning opportunities offered through the arts

  • characteristics that honour and respect the creativity of peers

  • motivation and independence

  • the ability to work well in a variety of situations; collaboratively and independently

Characteristics of Arts-Centred Learning

  • Arts-focused inquiry integrating Alberta Education’s Programs of Study

  • Opportunities for co-constructing knowledge and understanding through the arts

  • Develop creative and critical thinking

  • Learning comes from the process as well as the product

  • Students represent their knowledge and understanding through the multiple perspectives found throughout the arts

  • Students learn to appreciate and critique their art and the art of others

  • Skill development in the arts is integrated throughout the curriculum using school and community resources


How to Register for Arts-Centered Learning

Alternative and Language Programs have their own registration process. Visit the Alternative Program Registration page for information on how to register. ​


  • See Fees page for fees that apply to all CBE students

  • Additional fees will be assessed for each student per year to cover the cost of artists in residence (up to $85.00)

  • Additional costs may be incurred for arts-related field trips, performances and other learning opportunities.


  • Please see Transportation for Alternative Programs​ for important information. Parents will want to carefully consider the transportation services to and from the alternative program they want to enrol their child in.

  • For middle and junior high students attending the Arts-Centred alternative program parents are responsible to ensure their children travel safely to and from congregated stops.

Find a School

Every child in Calgary has a designated school based on their home address and the program they choose.

Find your designated school with our find a school tool along with the school's contact information and website address. Be sure to use the drop down arrow for 'Program Options' to select 'Arts-Centred'.


Contact Us

Specialist​ | ​Fine and Performing Arts​

Arts-Centred Learning

Last modified: 9/27/2024 11:54 AM
Website feedback: Webmaster