CBE Connections
Turning the Page to 2025: What’s New This Year?
Welcome to CBE Connections
To prepare for online registration for the 2025-26 school year, take a look at our helpful insights to find everything you need to get started. Registration is not on a first-come, first served basis, but there are key dates to consider.
What You Need to Know
Personal Mobile Devices & Social Media Use In Schools
Since introducing the Student Personal Mobile Devices policy at the beginning of the school year, feedback has been very positive.
Accordingly, as of Jan. 1, 2025, Administrative Regulation No. 6008 has been finalized.
View Administrative Regulation
CBE Open Houses Highlight Schools & Programs
Whether you’re registering as a new kindergarten student or have a child interested in alternative programming, an excellent way to learn more about what CBE offers is to visit the many open houses that take place throughout the year.
View Events Calendar
Joanne Pitman, Chief Superintendent
Report Cards – What Do They Tell You About Your Child’s Achievement?
Report cards should never come as a surprise to families. Rather, report cards summarize student achievement at a point in time. They are just one way teachers communicate about how well your child is meeting the outcomes in various subjects. In addition to the report cards, schools regularly communicate with families about their child’s progress through parent/teacher interviews, celebrations of learning, and the results of tests, quizzes and assignments throughout the year.
How is My Child Doing in School?
Assessment & Reporting in the CBE
Message From The Board Of Trustees
Consider Running for School Board Trustee
Nominations are now open for people to run for the incredibly rewarding and important job of school board trustee in the next general election. The Board’s job is to represent, lead and serve Calgarians and to govern the CBE, the largest school board in western Canada.
The trustee’s role involves ensuring:
- Each student has the opportunity to achieve their potential
- Children are safe at school
- The CBE’s financial and capital resources are well managed
Learn more about the
role of trustee, and
how to become a candidate .
School Councils
Have School Council Questions?
We've got you.
Whether it's your first or tenth time on school council, we have resources and templates to help you.
School Council Resources
ASCA Calendar Of Events
The ASCA website offers a calendar of events including a variety of participation opportunities for school council members and/or parents. These include:
- Workshops for school councils
- Online sessions for parents regarding various health and educational issues
- Event information for “special dates”
Follow the CBE
CBE Connections is emailed every month to families to connect them more closely with what’s happening across our system.