Current Situation
Work is underway to bargain a new collective agreement with the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 40.
CUPE Local 40 members are an important part of our school communities. CUPE Local 40 represents about 800 employees, or 5% of the CBE workforce. Its members include cleaners, facility operators, heavy duty mechanics, locksmiths and members involved in snow removal, grounds maintenance and other lines of work. Unlike many other school boards in Alberta, support staff employees like education assistants and administrative assistants belong to the CBE Staff Association.
We value the contributions of all employees who support student success, and we respect the bargaining process.We are committed to bargaining in good faith with CUPE Local 40 to reach a new collective agreement.
What's Happening Now?
As of Monday, Feb. 24, 2025, CUPE Local 40 is on strike.
During strike action, CBE is prioritizing in-person learning. We are committed to supporting student learning and well-being while maintaining safe and welcoming school environments for students, staff and families.
During strike action, all CBE schools and buildings will remain open and classes will continue. However, a strike will have an impact on schools and operations.
Picket Lines
CUPE Local picket lines will be set up at various CBE locations and are subject to change without notice.
- For the week of March 10, pickets are scheduled at John G. Diefenbaker High School (the school shares a field with Sir John A. Macdonald School)
- March 14, pickets at Highfield Building
Families are advised to allow extra time when picking up or dropping off their child(ren) due to potential delays caused by picketing. Consider dropping off your child a block or two from the school and walking to avoid traffic congestion. Designated school drop-off zones will be supervised to ensure the safety of students, staff and families. If the picketing location is a high school, student parking lots will be closed.
CBE Schools Are Open for In-Person Instruction
Our priority is to continue to provide in-person instruction. Schools will remain open regardless of labour action.
We are committed to keeping schools safe for students and staff and complying with AHS guidelines and occupational health and safety regulations. This means that schools will be cleaned after dismissal. In addition, all building maintenance and safety protocols remain in place. CBE has implemented a business continuity plan to maintain school operations. This includes using a variety of internal and external service providers and reducing use of CBE buildings outside of instructional hours.
We know our schools are busy places and used for variety of activities that support students and the community. To allow our schools to be cleaned adequately after school hours, the following decisions have been made.
Before and After School Care
School Hours
Activities During School Hours
Volunteers may continue to support classroom and school activities.
Activities After School Hours
Most after-hours school activities have been cancelled. Athletic practices, fine arts rehearsals or other curricular activities may be permitted to continue, but timing may shift. The goal is for these activities to take place during the school day, or to be completed prior to 6 p.m.
Arts-based (Drama Productions, Musical Performances)
Other Activities
School council and parent society meetings will be moved online or can be moved to a non-CBE venue.
- Fundraising activities that take place after school hours will be cancelled or will need to relocate to a non-CBE venue.
Public rentals of CBE school spaces will be cancelled. This includes City of Calgary School Connections YYC permits.
CBE Welcome Centre
Expectations for staff
- Non-striking employees are expected to report for work as usual.