Weather & Environmental Health

Winter Weather

​CBE Response to Winter Weather ​

Families are reminded that extra caution should be taken during the winter months getting to and from school. 

Calgary's weather can include snow, cold temperatures and wind chill and that make getting to and from school challenging. Families are reminded that extra caution should be taken during the winter months and periods of extreme weather.

CBE Schools Rarely Close Due to Snow or Cold Temperatures

All CBE schools will remain open to provide a safe, warm and secure environment for students.

Assume that schools are open unless you hear otherwise from your school. Information regarding any school closures due to weather will be posted on the CBE website and social media, and shared with local news media.

Be Prepared

During the winter families should ensure they are prepared for all weather conditions.

  • Children should be well prepared and dressed for the weather.
  • Children will find it easier to walk through the ice and snow when their school books and lunches are carried in a back pack.
  • Children should not be left unattended at bus stops for any period of time, under any circumstances. They should have clear instructions on how long to await for the bus and what to do if the bus does not arrive.
  • Families should ensure that they have back-up care arrangements if transportation is delayed. Children should have a warm place to stay before and after school (i.e. with a neighbour or a nearby relative).

Transportation Delays

During the winter, roads may also be congested and slippery resulting in possible traffic and bus delays. Unusually cold or stormy weather can result in buses being delayed. Unexpected mechanical problems with the bus may also occur more frequently at this time of year. Children should be dressed appropriately for the colder weather as buses cool off very quickly.

In the rare event that buses are cancelled due to extreme weather, families will be informed by email and transportation service provide apps.

Outdoor Activities

We recognize the value of outdoor breaks such as recess and lunch during the school day. Students should be should prepared and dressed for all weather conditions.

When temperatures reach -20 C or colder, including the wind-chill factor, it is recommended that students be kept inside for recess or lunch breaks. This guideline is comparable to other school jurisdictions in Alberta and across Canada. Note, this temperature is provided as a guideline and may be adjusted for the school/activity.

Snow Removal at CBE Schools

CBE Grounds crews work hard to remove snow and ice throughout the winter months. First priority is given to snow clearing and sanding of perimeter sidewalks adjacent to school property, as well handicap bus drop-off areas and other related handicap zones. This could take up to 48 hours for this cleaning to be complete following a snow event. Second priority is given to snow clearing of asphalt playground compounds at elementary schools.

School parking lots are not plowed on regular basis. Should heavy snowfall cause driveway entrances or lots to become impassable, Grounds crews will provide access as quickly as resources permit.​

Last modified: 7/25/2024 3:34 PM
Website feedback: Webmaster