New to Canada Refugee Students Learn at Heritage Park

Jun. 20, 2016

​On Tuesday, June 7, 2016, new to Canada refugee students in the LEAD program at Belvedere Parkway School went on their very first field trip ever to Heritage Park. Students did a great deal of learning about historic Calgary, and had a wonderful time using the English that they have learned in an authentic setting. They demonstrated just how much they have learned since they joined the CBE and Belvedere Parkway School.

Our LEAD students have only been in Canada and in school since January. This was their very first offsite learning opportunity, and it was extremely beneficial and positive. Community volunteers and volunteers from Kingsland joined the students and had a wonderful time.

The LEAD program helps students learn early literacy, develop their skills in English and focus on academic development skills. This transition program helps them to get ready to move on to their CBE community schools.