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Leaving a Legacy | W. H. Cushing Mural to New TELUS Sky Building
Leaving a Legacy | W. H. Cushing Mural to New TELUS Sky Building
Jun. 30, 2016
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W.H. Cushing Workplace School Legacy Mural
As W. H. Cushing Workplace School officially closes its doors, the legacy of the students and learning will live on in the new TELUS Sky Building. A twelve-foot by four-foot mural was created by W.H. Cushing students and artist Chester Lees in 2012. The mural, with the theme “Legacy”, was designed to celebrate the unique community based learning of the school. To commemorate the students, families, school and partnership of this distinctive learning environment, TELUS has announced the mural will be hung in the lobby of the new TELUS Sky Building.
W.H. Cushing originated through a partnership between TELUS and the Calgary Board of Education in 1995. The first of its kind in Canada, the school was established as a public school in the downtown core that incorporated the opportunities of downtown Calgary into the learning of students. TELUS has provided space for the W.H. Cushing Workplace School on the main floor of the Len Werry building for the past 20 years. During this time hundreds of students and parents have benefitted greatly using the downtown core as a unique classroom.
Thanks to TELUS and the talents of W.H. Cushing Students and Chester Lees, the legacy of this learning and partnership will continue on in the new TELUS Sky building.