Alberta Education Annual Satisfaction Survey

Feb. 16, 2021

Alberta Education is conducting its annual satisfaction survey to collect perceptions of Alberta’s education system.

The surveys gather responses from a random sample of parents, the general public, high school students, teachers, principals and school board trustees, as well as employers of recent high school graduates. More than 6,000 surveys will be completed, ensuring that survey results for each of the 10 respondent groups are statistically representative. The survey responses are completely confidential, and no individual responses will be reported.

If you are contacted, you are encouraged to complete the survey. Your participation is important, as it provides valuable information to help the ministry identify areas of strength and areas needing improvement, thus helping to provide a more effective and accountable education system.

CCI Research has been contracted to administer the telephone/online surveys beginning on Feb. 16, 2021 and ending in June 2021. A summary of the information obtained from the surveys will be posted on Education’s website. Last year’s survey instruments and survey results are available on the Alberta Education website.