CBE Board of Trustees Response to 2020-21 Provincial Budget Announcement

Feb. 27, 2020

For immediate release

We have received preliminary information on the 2020-21 Provincial budget and are working through the details.

Total funding to the CBE will increase by $13.5 million to $1.16 billion for next year. However, with increased enrolment and a new funding model, this will mean a reduction in per-student funding. For 2020-21 enrolment growth is forecast to be approximately 2,300 students, or the equivalent of four large elementary schools. 

This reduction in per-student funding will have an impact. We continue to review how to best deliver programs and services within the funding we receive. Our first priority is always to support students and their learning.

We look forward to examining the changes to the K to 12 education funding framework and how they will affect the CBE. We expect to learn more over the next few weeks during meetings between school boards and government.

After we receive our finalized funding we will have a better idea of the impacts that this budget will have on our system. Our Budget Assumptions Report will offer more information and is expected to be presented to the Board of Trustees at a public meeting in mid-April.


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