Trustees Approve 2024-2027 Education Plan & 2024-2025 Budget

May. 29, 2024

​​​​​​​​​​​​The Board of Trustees approved the 2024-27 Education Plan and the 2024-25 budget at its regular public board meeting on Tuesday, May 28, 2024. 

"We remain committed to success for every student as we navigate a period of significant enrolment growth and increasingly diverse student population," said Laura Hack, Chair of the CBE Board of Trustees. "The 2024-27 Education Plan provides a roadmap to improving student learning. The goals and outcomes are designed to adapt to the dynamic and evolving community we serve, identifying the areas of greatest education need, and how we will move forward. The 2024-25 budget is designed to prioritize the Education Plan goals and support the daily operation of our system. Together, the Education Plan and budget are designed to meet the needs of our rapidly growing and diverse student population while focusing on the Board’s priorities of achievement, equity, and well-being." 

2024-2027 Education Plan​​

The 2024-27 Education Plan continues the work of the previous plan while refining and refocusing its goals, outcomes and actions.

View the 2024-27 Education Plan

Last December, the CBE embarked on an extensive engagement with the CBE community to learn what is most important to consider in developing the 2024-27 Education Plan. We are so grateful that more than 9,000 people shared their voices. The perspectives and experiences gathered, along with student results data and Alberta Education expectations, were considered in shaping this plan. 

Through this process, we identified learning excellence, well-being, Truth and Reconciliation, diversity and inclusion as the three main goals to guide our work at the school and system level. As a learning community, we must ensure our Education Plan addresses the needs of students today while positioning the CBE for future success. 

Learning Excellence 

Strong student achievement for lifelong learning and success

With the first goal of learning excellence, our focus remains on foundational learning experiences for academic achievement that prepares students for future learning and success.


Students and employees thrive in a culture of well-being

The second goal is for students and employees to thrive in a culture of well-being. In focusing on well-being for students and employees, we are responsive to areas for continued growth identified in Alberta Education Results Reporting and CBE Results Monitoring as well as feedback from a thorough community engagement process.

Truth & Reconciliation, Diversity and Inclusion 

Students and employees experience a sense of belonging and connection​

Last, with our focus on Truth and Reconciliation, diversity and inclusion, we aim for stude​nts and employees to experience a sense of belonging and connection. This supports diversity and inclusion for all students and employees aligning our Education Plan directly with our CBE values: students come first, learning is our central purpose and public education serves the common good.


This plan is forward-looking and serves the evolving and changing contexts of schools, communities, our city and province.


Budget 2024-20​25​​​

The CBE’s $1.62-billion budget will support the education of a projected 147,500 students in schools next year. The budget takes steps to address the challenges posed by robust enrolment growth, rising operational costs and inflationary pressures. 

Alberta Education is providing an additional $85 million in funding compared to last year. This will allow for the hiring of 655 more teachers, education assistants, and support staff. The goal is to maintain the quality of education in all schools. 

Over the past three years, the CBE has welcomed approximately 15,600 new students, with an additional 9,000 expected in the upcoming school year. This growth necessitates careful financial planning to ensure resources are adequately allocated to support the increasing number of students and complexity within classrooms.

Resources are distributed to schools via the Resource Allocation Method (RAM), designed to equitably meet the unique learning needs of students, considering factors such as enrolment, classroom complexity and equity. The goal is to provide the supports and services students need within available funding and resources.

For families, the CBE is holding central fees, such as those for student transportation and noon supervision, at the same levels as last year. This decision addresses the affordability pressures many families face and the CBE’s goal of minimizing financial barriers to education.

The approved budget will be submitted to Alberta Education in advance of the May 31 deadline.