Unique Pathways & Off-campus Education
How to Setup a Statement of Support
Students applying for Dual Credit and Exploratory programs are required to submit a Statement of Support from a staff member at their school. This staff member could be a teacher, guidance counsellor, administration, Off-campus Coordinator, etc. The staff member submitting the student should know the student well enough to comment on the items below and answer follow up questions from the Unique Pathways team (if required).
Potential items to discuss in Statement of Support:
- how this program would fit with the student’s future goals
- the students interest in the field
- the students learning strengths
This statement does not need to be lengthy – a paragraph will suffice. It is similar to a reference letter, but does not need to formal.
The statement should include how the teacher knows the student and the teacher’s contact information.
Example 1 – Brief Paragraph
Student has career aspirations in the Veterinary profession. They are a strong academic student, have a passion for animals and a proven successful track record for online learning. In my opinion, this makes them an exceptional candidate for this program. I strongly support their application in this endeavor.
Example 2 – Formal Reference
I am writing in support of student for the Culinary Arts program.
I have worked with student in two capacities – as their Math teacher, and as their homeroom teacher at High School.
Student is a determined worker, and diligently and independently worked their way through the requirements for the Certificate of Achievement and onto the requirements for the Alberta High School Diploma. In their Grade 11 year and first semester of Grade 12, they took on a heavier than normal course load, adding core classes in place of option classes in order to graduate in three years with their diploma.
During this time, student has demonstrated exceptional responsibility and time management. Student is kind and patient and always gets along with all of their classmates. Although quite shy at first, student’s confidence has grown in their time spent in the Culinary department at school, a further confirmation that a career in the culinary arts is where they belong.
I fully support student’s application to the Culinary Arts program and am available to answer any follow up questions you may have.