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Registration Additional Documentation

Additional Documentation

Custody / ​​Guardianship

Where the parents / legal guardians do not live together, the custody and guardianship document is requ​​ired.

Student Hea​​lt​​h Plan

If the stu​​dent’s attendance at school may be affected by an existing medical or physical condition, the Student Health Plan F​orm is required.

Download Student Health Plan Form​

Student Ass​​ess​​ment

If the student ever had an:

  • Individual Program Plan (IPP)
  • Individual Education Plan (IEP)
  • Health Assessment (learning, medical or mental) that has provided recommendations to support the student’s learning

Then the learning, medical or mental health assessment document is required (for example psycho-educational assessment, physician letter)

Last modified: 11/23/2022 11:32 AM
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