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Archive National Sport School (at Canada Olympic Park)

National Sport School (at Canada Olympic Park)

Suite 110, 151 Canada Olympic Road S.W., Calgary AB T3B 6B7 | 403-777-7329
Completion Date | TBD

School Community

The National Sport School is currently located in leased premises at Canada Olympic Park. Planning for the permanent school at Canada Olympic Park started in 2009 and has progressed to design stage. Design brief is complete. Comments sent to consultants for final revisions. Development Permit conditions are under review, a response has been submitted to the City. Until a source of capital funding is secured, no further architectural or engineering work will be completed. Discussions have commenced with WinSport on potential funding strategies, and with the City on progressing the Development Permit approval
application extension.

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t | 403-817-6229

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Last modified: 6/21/2017 4:41 PM
Website feedback: Webmaster