
Archive Rideau Park School

Rideau Park School

Project Update

Jan. 2018
Design and Specifications 100%
City Permits 100%
Construction Award 100%
​Phase 1 ​100%
​Phase 2 (Fire Damage) 90%
Note: The gymnasium re-opened for use on January 15, 2018. Landscaping deficiencies will be attended to in the spring of 2018.

Feb. 2018

Design and Specifications 100%
City Permits 100%
Construction Award 100%
​Phase 1 100%
​Phase 2 (Fire Damage) ​85%
Note: The gymnasium re-opened for use on January 15, 2018. Landscaping deficiencies will be attended to in the spring of 2018. ​  


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Last modified: 3/26/2018 8:38 AM
Website feedback: Webmaster