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Unique Pathways & Off-campus Education

Unique Pathways & Off-campus Education Dual Credit - Introduction to Indigenous Studies

Dual Credit - Introduction to Indigenous Studies

Through this course offered at Mount Royal University, Introduction to Indigenous Studies 1101, students will explore and apply their understanding of the relationship between Canada’s Indigenous population and mainstream culture. This course asks students to engage in self-reflection, comparing historical and contemporary perspectives, engage with a wide range of relevant literature, independent study, critical discussion and assignments that focus on cross-cultural understanding. This course is highly appealing to students interested in Indigenous Studies and engaging in Reconciliatory action.

See example course outline.

Program Be​nefits

  • Upon successful completion, students will receive 5, 3000 level CTS credits and 3 Mount Royal University post-secondary credits
  • Complete a university course (and earn university credits!) while still in high school
  • Experience post-secondary learning on campus while engaging with peers and post-secondary instructors in the field of Indigenous Studies
  • Learn through a blend of in class instruction and land-based field trips ​
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  • 5 Cre​​dits, 30 ​le​​​vel CTS
    3​ post-secondary credits

Student Eligi​bility

Open to CBE high school students who:

  • Are in grades 11 or 12 as of June 2023
  • Are committed to the academic rigor of a university course
  • Can arrange their own transportation to and from Mount Royal University for the duration of the course
  • Are excited about taking a post-secondary course
  • Pre-requisite/Co-requisite requirements:
    • Students must be on track or have completed English 20-1 with a minimum of 60%


  • Students should plan for a minimum of 15 hours of learning and assessment-related work (individual and collaborative) per week in addition to the 3 hours of instructional time (total 18 hours per week, minimum)
  • Students are expected to attend all lectures and activity sessions and must clearly and quickly communicate with their CBE supervising teacher and Mount Royal University instructor if an unexpected issue comes up

Program Deliv​ery & Lo​​cation

  • In-person
  • Mount Royal University (4825 Mt Royal Gate SW, Calgary)

Program D​a​​​tes

  • September – December, 2023
  • Monday and Wednesday | 9:00 am- 10:30 am
  • If required, students are encouraged to apply for a CB​e-Learn course to work on in the mornings when they are not in the Indigenous Studies course to support their requirements for high school graduation. Please contact your guidance counselor to arrange this.​
  • How to Apply​​

    Applications for Summer and Fall programming deadlines have passed. Please talk to your home high school Off-campus Coordinator or Guidance Counsellor to start planning for future programs! Winter courses and application deadlines will be posted in the fall.​​

Career​ Map

Career Map 


  • Program Partner​

    Mount Royal University
  • Application Deadline

    Applications for Summer and Fall programs have now closed. Applications for Semester 2 (Winter) programs will be available in Fall 2024.​


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Last modified: 5/3/2023 8:40 AM
Website feedback: Webmaster