Kindergarten | 1 |
Grade 1 | 1 |
Grade 2 | 1 |
Grade 3 | 1 |
Grade 4 | 2 |
Grade 5 | 2 |
Grade 6 | 1 |
Grade 7 | 1 |
Grade 8 | 1 |
Grade 9 | 5 |
Grade 10 | 6 |
Grade 11 | 15 |
Grade 12 | 6 |
Adolescent Day Treatment Program is a short-term program for junior high and senior high school students with severe mental health issues. There is a classroom component as well as individual and group counseling, family support and on-site support from a psychiatrist. Referrals to the program are through Access Mental Health, family Dr., Youth Addiction Services- Alberta Health, self or parent referral.
The secured Adolescent Mental Health Units 23 and 26 at the Foothills Hospital and 56A at the South Health Campus are short-term acute care for adolescent students with severe mental health issues requiring a residential hospital placement. There is a classroom component as well as individual and group counseling, family support and psychiatric support. Access to the any of the Units is through the emergency departments of Calgary hospitals.
Adolescent Day Treatment Program and the Adolescent Mental Health Services are focused on identifying and creating the conditions for success for students as unique learners and as members of their school and home communities. These are trauma sensitive learning environments.