Supporting Welcoming, Caring and Safe School Environments
This month, many schools and school boards across Canada will participate in bullying awareness initiatives. While some of these activities take place just once a year, I wanted to highlight the very important work that happens in our schools and system to prevent bullying each and every day.
We know that students are more successful when they feel safe, included and welcome at school, and I am proud of the way our students, parents and staff come together throughout the year to create healthy, inclusive learning environments.
Recently I visited one of our large elementary schools. The staff talked about the ways in which they collaborate to meet each student’s needs. Their shared pride in the ways they have nurtured a community in which each child is valued and able to learn, is inspiring. And when I meet with our students and hear about their plans and goals to create a world that is more accepting and more inclusive, I can’t help but feel our future is in good hands. I hope that our students inspire you, too.
David Stevenson
Chief Superintendent of Schools
Instructional Calendars
The system instructional calendars for the 2018-19 school year have been approved and can be viewed online at
The calendars establish common system-wide non-instructional days, holidays and important dates such as the first day of class.
Calendars for future years up to 2021-22 are also available online.
Please note that schools may identify additional non-instructional days, late entries or early dismissal days. Please check with your school for more information.
Kindergarten Registration
If you are looking to register your child in a CBE school, you'll find everything you need to know to get started on our website.
Kindergarten registration for the 2018-19 school year began on Monday, Jan. 22, 2018. If you are interested in registering your child in a program that is anticipating a lottery, the registration deadline is noon on Feb. 13, 2018. If you have questions, please call your school office.
We look forward to welcoming your child to one of our schools!
Pink Shirt Day
Pink Shirt Day is an opportunity for everyone to wear something pink to symbolize that as a society we will not tolerate bullying. Bullying in any form is unacceptable and everyone has a role to play in promoting healthy relationships and preventing bullying.
On Wednesday, Feb. 28, you can show your support for welcoming, caring, respectful, safe, and inclusive school communities by wearing a pink shirt. If you use twitter, tweet a photo of yourself using #pinkshirtday hashtag.
Budget Comment Form
Budget season is drawing closer, and we’d like to hear your thoughts and comments on what is important to you. A budget comment form is available on our website at
Providing your name and email address are optional, but encouraged in cases where you may wish for a response from our team. Some of your questions and comments may be anonymously posted on our Dollars & Sense web page, where Brad Grundy, our chief financial officer, provides a public response.