Dec. 02, 2015
Service units are proud to support the great work that our teachers and schools do every day.
At the Dec. 1, 2015 Board of Trustees meeting, the Trustees were presented with a Board development session regarding the work of service units.
CBE service units contribute to student success every day, in many ways. From technical support to school budget support, from learning resources to human resources, and from school maintenance to website maintenance, we depend on the work of these staff members every day. These central supports mean that students, teachers and schools can access a multitude of resources on any given day and thus continue to produce educational results that we can all be proud of.
Thanks to the service units of Learning, Legal Services, Human Resources, Communication Services, Facilities and Environmental Services, and Finance/Technology Services, our educators can focus on teaching the next generation of Calgarians.
Please watch the following video, which was introduced at the Board meeting, to hear three principals describe how the work of service units affects their schools and contributes to student success. For more information, view the presentation and speaking notes that accompanied the video.