CBE High School Engagement E-Newsletter | June 2021, Issue 2
shaping the future of high schools header graphic
Complete Online Surveys by June 1-13, 2021

On June 1, we shared the proposed plan to balance enrolment at CBE high schools. Full information about the proposed plan is available on the high school engagement webpage.

It’s important that we hear from all schools and communities affected by this plan. If you haven’t already, please take a few minutes to review the proposed plan and share your feedback.

Completing the Survey in Other Languages

The two surveys above can be translated into eleven languages: Amharic, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, French, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Punjabi, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese. Click on the survey link, look for this icon  in the top right and choose your language from the drop-down list.


We have also provided translated instructions on how to use Google Translate to translate these surveys in the following languages: ArabicFarsiHindi and Urdu.

Idea Boards

Thank you to everyone who posted comments and questions on the idea boards.

Some responses have already been provided. We will post any remaining responses that provide you with information to complete the online survey by June 10. Other questions and comments will be reviewed by our engagement planning team and decision-makers before a final decision is made.

Communicating a Decision by June 30

We will communicate a final decision about balancing enrolment at CBE high schools by June 30, 2021. This is earlier than planned and responds to feedback to make the decision as soon as possible so families have more time to plan.

Where possible, these changes will be effective for the 2022-23 school year. Further details about implementation are available on the website.

Thank you for helping to shape the future of high schools at the CBE.
