Hub Intro for Grades 6-12 | Sept. 2, 2020 4:30 PM

Sep. 02, 2020


Getting Started in Hub

Dear Parents / Guardians / Independent Students,

September has arrived. We know you have many questions regarding students’ registrations in hub as the school year begins. The purpose of this message is to introduce you to hub start-up.

With the finalization of hub registrations completed by parents / guardians / independent students on Aug. 31, organization of classes and staffing began this week in preparation for start-up.

Our next steps include: 

  • creating online classes
  • placing students in these classes, and 
  • re-assigning staff for both in-person learning and hub online learning

Staffing the hub online classrooms in addition to all other in-person classrooms is being accommodated within the existing operating budget for the CBE.

For your information, the learning management system used for:

September 8              The Essentials for Online Learning course, recommended for all students registered in hub, will be available.  This will appear once students log in to Brightspace.

Instructions for logging in and accessing Brightspace

Real time interaction with a teacher will begin between Sept. 14 and Sept. 18.

As we continue to work to create and staff hub online classes this week, we understand parents / guardians / independent students may have questions. However, we are asking you to refrain from contacting schools at this time. Further information regarding hub and accessing classes and courses will be communicated by Tuesday, Sept. 8.


School Improvement

calgary board of education