May. 14, 2017
Alberta Education will use input gathered from Albertans to inform the development of future Kindergarten to Grade 12 (K–12) provincial curriculum, along with the analysis of strengths and gaps in current curriculum, research on student learning, other national and international education systems, and previous work with our stakeholders.
Last fall, Alberta Education asked Albertans to help confirm the direction of their work and to provide feedback on the current K–12 provincial curriculum. Now they want to develop a broader understanding of what students will learn (scope) and when they will learn it (sequence).
Albertans will be able to:
- complete an online provincial curriculum survey;
- attend face-to-face engagement sessions hosted by the Alberta Regional Professional Development Consortia (ARPDC) in each region of the province; and
- organize and host their own session for their group to support completing the survey.
Spring 2017 Online Provincial Curriculum Survey
The online provincial curriculum survey is divided into two parts:
- Part A gives Albertans an opportunity to provide general feedback on what students will learn (scope) and when they will learn it (sequence). These questions are organized by specific subjects. It may take less than 10 minutes to complete.
- Part B allows Albertans to provide detailed feedback on the individual draft subject introductions and draft scope and sequences. These questions are organized by specific subjects. It may take more than one hour to complete.
Take Survey!
Face-To-Face Engagement Sessions
Albertans can attend face-to-face engagement sessions in different regions of the province to discuss and then complete the online provincial curriculum survey. Individuals or organizations can also organize and host their own sessions. All support materials will be posted on the Alberta Education website or the Alberta Regional Professional Development Consortia (ARPDC) website.
Focus Groups
Focus groups made up of teachers, educators, and representatives from education stakeholder organizations are reviewing and providing insights to the overall subject content.
Alberta Education’s website will be updated when information becomes available at