Sep. 26, 2017
Auburn Bay School opened in September 2016 it became apparent there were many challenges needing to be addressed in connection with traffic, pedestrian and bike safety around our new school. Last Spring the school applied for a Safety Grant from Alberta Transportation and was awarded a $5,000 grant in June with money to go towards safety initiatives and supplies. Working with community partners such as the Auburn Bay Community Association, Calgary Board of Education, Calgary City Police, The City of Calgary and Alberta Transportation, safety initiatives were created for this school year.
To kick off a safe and caring school year, the school participated in Alberta Transportation’s Safety Week by holding a Safety Day on Sept.15. The morning began with a visit from Simon the Safety Bear who stood at the main crosswalk and assisted students in crossing the road safely whether on foot or on a bike. A whole school assembly followed where students and staff were honoured to have Mayor Nenshi, MLA Rick Fraser and Constables Mattice and Baker, speak to the students about “Point, Pause, Proceed” and the importance of paying attention on the street at all times. The morning came to a close with each student receiving a neon green draw string back pack with the message, ““when eyes lock it is safe to walk” printed on it. These were given to the school on behalf of Alberta Transportation.
Working together we can create safer streets for our school and greater community. Thank you to all for your continued support.