Bullying Awareness Week is November 12-18, 2017

Nov. 12, 2017

​From Alberta Education

Bullying Awareness Week promotes bullying awareness, prevention and positivity.

This year’s theme is “Stand Up.” Alberta Education is encouraging Albertans to promote healthy relationships and stand up against bullying.

This year, Albertans are encouraged to post their messages online during four days of action using the hashtag #StandUpAB.

Tuesday, November 14 | How do you stand up for healthy relationships?

Wednesday, November 15 | Share ideas about how to stand up against bullying or prevent bullying

Thursday, November 16 | Where do you go for information and help?

Friday, November 17 | What initiatives help to prevent bullying in your communities and schools?

Let’s Stand Up together – in our schools and our communities.

More information is available on our Bullying Prevention page.